2. suffocating

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"Fuck..." Seungcheol muttered under his breath as soon as he reached the school's entrance. He was late, and he was almost never late. But that day his brother decided to take more than an hour to shower, and the poor boy was forced to wait for his turn. Oh how he wished to be an only child sometimes. Also, it was raining, a lot, and to be as fast as possible he had forgot to take his umbrella. So now he was stuck under the porch of his school, dripping wet, and he had to wait until they would have let him in for the next class, which should had started in about an hour.

He sat on the floor, where it was less damp, took his phone out and started to check the texts he missed that morning.

Most of them were from Joshua.


7:30 am | Where are you

7:32 am | yah

7:32 am | I'm at the bus stop where are you

7:34 am | we're gonna be late

7:40 am | Choi Seungcheol

7:42 am | fine, i'm gonna go without you .

7:42 am | see ya later

Seungcheol chuckled seeing those texts, If there was something Joshua hated was being late for school. Not really because he cared about classes, but because he needed to meet Junhui at the entrance, which was really cute to Seungcheol's point of view. He really wished there was someone special to meet before school for him too, maybe someone who would greet him with a kiss and then walk to class with him, hand in hand.

He was so busy daydreaming he didn't notice someone running towards the school until the said someone hopelessly knocked on the door of their school. He looked up at the noise and instantly smiled seeing the longhaired boy resting his forehead on the glass door, probably cursing under his breath. His face was mostly covered, but those hair could only belong to one person.

"Jeonghan-ah, it's nice to know I'm not the only one late."

Jeonghan jolted back hearing the sudden voice, he probably didn't even notice the wet boy sitting on the floor. "Oh" he said taking the hood of his grey sweatshirt off "It's just you." He sighed and then proceeded to sit next to the older. At least there was someone he could spend that hour of wait with, and to his luck he happened to be someone who's presence didn't totally irritate him.

"Why so late?" Seungcheol asked, looking at him attentively, once again he found himself staring at every feature of the other's face. How could it be so perfect and pretty? All wet and wearing a simple gray hoodie over some black skinny jeans, he still looked perfect.

"I overslept."

The older couldn't help but crack a smile "From what I know, you spend most of your day sleeping, yet you overslept?" "And why are you late may I ask, sir?"

Seungcheol sighed dramatically "My brother is a slug I guess. He's probably lazier than you, and we only have one bathroom." Jeonghan found himself unexpectingly giggling, he wondered how life between the Choi brothers could be, and to be honest he imagined it was far too chaotic for his liking. Then his phone suddenly ringed, signaling he received a text. He reached for the device in his pocket.

Jun. Obviously.

He put it back without answering. Seungcheol frowned at him "Who was that?"


"You're not gonna answer?"

"He's in class, he shouldn't be texting in the first place."

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