Miss 9

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"Appa? Hanbin-ah?" Jennie kept looking behind her as she looks for her father and twin, still spooked at the screams she's heard from her room but they were nowhere in sight. Sometimes she hates how big their mansion is.

Because she wasn't paying attention to where she's going, she tripped on the last 3 steps of stairs as she hurriedly tries to go down in search for someone. Anyone.

She yelped and had her arms outstretched in front in attempt to save her face from damage, closing her eyes in instinct but instead of her hitting the cold marbled floor, she ended up on someone's embrace.

Just when she thought it was her dad, she heard a familiar voice say, "You know, you should walk with your eyes open kid, especially if you're going down the stairs."

Shocked, jennie quickly straightened up and took a look at the tresspasser and see if she was right. "I'm not a kid! And what are you doing here?"

"I have been assigned as a chauffeur" she raised her her brows and tilted ger head

"I wasn't aware we're hiring chauffeurs, what happened that you became so broke to resort working while you're still in school?" Mino was amused but had no time to tease. He was tired and he wants to see his aunt Dara already but had to take a detour and fetch brats.

"Not for you. I'm here to pick up my cousins and their friends." Cousins? Jennie turned around to look for anyone unfamiliar to her in sight. She didn't know they had visitors.

"I didn't know we have visitors." She sometimes miss the park's little shack where she can easily see everyone, and hear everyone by talking louder.

"They're outside I believe. Can you lead me to your outdoor court?"

"So it was probably them!" Jennie exclaims, realizing it was no ghost nor a murderer that's killing its next victim

"What them?"

"I heard high-pitched screams that's why I tan out of my room thinking it was some ghost of some sort-

"So you're scared of ghosts?" Mino teased

"And you're not? I still remember hati telling me that story one time you peed your pa-

"Is it this way?" Mino was quick to walk away from the horrible memory, not letting Jennie finish and walked at a random direction with a door in sight hoping it'll lead to the back. He made a mental note to piss off hayi for telling Jennie that story.

Reaching for the door, he was about to open it when he remembers his aunt's nagging and rolled his eyes but knocked quickly anyway, only to try twisting a locked door. He can hear Jennie still laughing behind him, muttering "I thought hayi was just pulling my tail"

"I have no time, I still have a class tomorrow so can you please lead me to where they are?" Mino huffs, trying to keep a cool facade as if he's not embarrassed

"Fine. Since you said please." Jennie says with a giggle, still trying to stop laughing.

"Oh you know the importance of that word now? Guess you pass your GMRC huh?"

"Oh haha." Jennie rolls her eyes but she was kind of embarrassed of how she acted before. Like she had no manners and proper education. Guess Miss Park was an effective substitute teacher.

Speaking of Miss Park, Jennie turned to Mino as he follows h
Where she's going and asked "How's Miss Park? Where have you guys been?! You were not even in your school! It's like you didn't exist!" Her voice going higher and higher remembering her family's frustration in not finding the Parks. By her family, it consists of her, her twin and her dad.

Book 2: THE Miss Park ▪︎▪︎▪︎Where stories live. Discover now