Chapter 1

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This is my first story so im very sorry if its bad.
I also might have some spelling mistakes sorryyy. i hope you like it. :D
here are the characters:

Sapnap(18 years old in high school goes with Karl, has family problems and money problems, lives in Texas)
Dream(19 years old just finished high school goest to college with George his best friend, lives in Florida)
Karl(17, Sapnaps best friend, lives in Texas)
Quackity(18, also Sapnaps bestfriend, lives in Texas)
George(20 years old, Dreams best friend, lives in Florida)

Chapter 1
Sapnap's POV

It was my first year as a junior in high school.   I woke up early so I could calmly get ready. When I went downstairs I spotted my dad in the living room asleep with two bottles and ciggarets on the counter. This usually happens. My dad will come home late at night drunk and pass out on the couch. It was almost like a routine now. But somehow I'm the failure. Before I could accidently wake him up
I grabbed a piece of toast and headed to school.

I'm one of those kids who like school. Not because I like doing work or because of learning, but because it was like an escape from home. I feel safer in school. No dad to hit you, no mom yelling at you, no fighting between your siblings that hate you. It was calmer, even tho it is anxious. Librarys were my favorite. They were the quietest.

In my free time I also like to listen to music or do magic. Yeah magic, but not like real magic,  i don't even know if magic is real, like card magic. It was something to impress people to make others amazed and actually pay attention to you.

When i arrived at school I saw Quackity one of my best friends. He was staring at something, no someone but i couldn't see who so i went up to him.

Sapnap: Heyy.. Whatcha starin at?
Quackity: Oh hi Sapnap i didn't even notice you. Umm.. I wasn't staring at anything.
Sapnap: dude I'm not blind I could see you were staring at someone tell mee!
Quackity: Okay, Okay fine just calm your voice down.
Quackity: I was.. i was staring at Karl.
Sapnap: KaRl?!?!?
Quackity: Shhhhh, shush he'll hear you.
Sapnap: Wait but do you like him like him or u just think he's hot?
Quackity: I like him like him. Especially his laugh, his beautiful eyes that shine the brightest in moon and his...
Sapnap: Jeez you're in love with him. Eww
Quackity: Shut up one day you will get it.

One day i will get it. Love. I never thought about that. I mean you don't really have time to think about love when the people you live with are full of hatred. I guess i see love the same as i see magic. I don't really know if it's real, but I'm willing to be proven wrong. And I have the slightest hope it is.

After school finished i didn't really wanna go home, so I went to my favorite place. Even tho I'm not a big reader i find comfort in books.
While i was looking for a place to sit I glanced over a book. It really caught my eye.

On the cover it said "Love is magic", Ugh what a cheezy name. But I still wanted to read it. I grabbed it and went to find a place to sit. I sat by the window and started opening the book with my arms shaking. The book only had two pages filled. The back and the front. But i never read the back so i just read the front. At the front it said soul switch. It was a spell? Huh?
The book said: "This is a magic spell where you can switch your soul with your soul mate". What?! That doesn't make sence. I kept reading and it said:
"If you want to activate this spell you need to burn this page and it can not be reusable"
Hmm... I mean i got nothing to lose. So why not try it.

I ripped the page out of the book and took it outside with me, while the book was in my backpack. I couldn't find a lighter at school so i went home.

As soon as i arrived i ran up the stairs into my room. I was exited and actually hopefull. I grabbed my lighter and the page and i sat on my bed. I was kinda scared. I didn't know if I wanted it to work or not. But i pushed those thoughts away and started ligthing up the page. While the page was burning I was getting butterflies in my stomach. Okay here we go.

Finally the page was all gone. But I'm still here?..I guess it doesn't work. I was already tired from school so i imediatly went to sleep.


My head hurt when i woke up. My vision was blurry so i went to the bathroom. I washed my face and jumped. I..i saw someone else in the mirror. I kept looking at the mirror and noticed it was following everything I do. They looked pretty...They had fluffy dark blond hair, mesmerizing green eyes, not like mine, and cute freckles scattered across they're face.

I went back into the bedroom and noticed it wasn't mine. So it worked??? this my soulmate?Wait i just realised something... I NEVER READ HOW TO CHANGE BACK! Oh noo. What am i supposed to do?! I'm screwed.

Back at Sapnaps house

The book from the Sapnap's backpack was opened by a dark blonde boy. It was in his hand turned on the last page...

So I hope you liked the first chapter of Love is magic. :)))) Thank you for reading <33333

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