Chapter 2

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Hellooo I'm back and I'm so so sooo sorry it took so long, I just had no inspiration to write :/ sorry

Chapter 2
Dream's POV

A week before the switch

I was sitting next to my bestfriend George. It was 1 am in the morning and we were playing Minecraft.

Dream: George...We have college tomorrow..
Dream:Well i don't want to go to school all tired.
George:bruv just drink coffee..
Dream:Just because you can sleep in doesn't mean everyone can!
George:Okay! Jeez..I'll leave.

I sometimes just don't understand him. He always complains about not having enough money and wanting a job, but isn't even responsible with his life. He always sleeps in and doesn't care that he missed school. Lately we've been fighting a lot, but i just want to knock some sence into him.

When he left i felt really bad but i just want what's best for him. I was really worn out so i went straight to bed.

The next day

I woke up to my phone ringing. I was very tired to see who was calling me so i just picked up.

Dream: Hello. Who is this?
George: You can literally read the name, idiot.
Dream: GEORGE?!?! What? How are you awake?
George: haha..funny get up now you are going to be late.

I rubbed my eyes and looked at the time. I had 20 minutes to get to school.

Dream:Oh shit... im gonna be late!! I need to go George. Byeee!

I quickly got ready. Since I live alone i have to make my own breakfast, but i had no time so i just grabbed an apple.

I was running to my college while it was raining. I should've checked the news report the weather is awful.

When I arrived surprisingly i got greeted by George who was standing next to my locker. I was so shocked. He finally came back to school, but why??? Did I say something?

Dream: Hey George,'re back!
Dream: That's great to see!
George:whatever..i just wanted to come. I didn't come cause you told me to.

I mean that was the first time i yelled at him about it. I hope he is doing good.


When school finished i was walking to the bus and saw George crying. I walked over concerened.

Dream:George! Are you okay?!?!
Dream: hey..hey..tell me whats can talk to me.
George:I..I can't breath..

He was shaking. It looked like he was having a panic attack. I experienced some so i know what to do.

Dream:George listen to me.. You need to inhale for 5 sec, hold in for 5 sec and exhale for 5 sec.
George: okay...

After some time George started breathing okay.

Dream: Now tell me what happened. Why are you crying?
George:I..don't kno
Dream: What??
George:w..well..there was this girl and she just asked me out...
Dream: You literally just got back to school how did u manage to get asked out??
George: Wait, shush im not done talking. She asked me out and i said yes even tho i didn't want to.
Dream: Why would you say yes to going out with someone you don't like?
George: Because it's not that i don't like HER..
Dream i need to confess something...
Dream:What..What is it?
George:I..Im gay..

It was pretty weird hearing that. I never knew George was gay. I mean it would explain some of his weird behaviour, like the constant joke flirting. I actually never met someone who liked the same gender. I didn't mind, just didn't know how to respond.

George:...and i was having a panic attack because im still trying to figure out my sexuality.
George:wwhat are you not gonna be my friend??(tears starting to form again)
Dream:No, no im happy for you :) i love you either way.
George:Thank you Dream, that means a lot.

After that they hugged and waited for the bus to come.

At home

My mind couldn't stop thinking about what happened even when i got home. I never thought about my sexuality, i don't even know what type of sexualitys there are. I always thought i liked girls because it was the "normal" thing to do. To be honest every girl i liked i didn't really like, but i just thought she wasn't the one. Am I gay?

After that thought i went on my pc and researched everything about sexualitys. I thought I might be bi, but the thought of girls was never really it for me. I do love watching football, not just because of the sport. I..I think I'm gay.

But what will my parents say about this?? They are not in Florida right now, but what about when they get back. They always wanted me to marry this beautiful girl and be in love with her forever, but i don't want that. I don't really think they support the lgbtq+ i never heard them talk about it, unless its making fun of some gay celebrity. They're definitely homophobic. Im so scared..Im just gonna go to sleep and forget about it.

5 days later

I have been scared to get out of bed. I have been crying and can't go to sleep since im thinking about what my parents will think. I still didn't tell George...Oh yeah George i need to see how he is doing.

I grabbed my phone from the bed side table and turned it on only to see 16 missed calls from George and 99+ mesages. Omg i need to call him.

I clicked on the contact and it started to ring. He picked up almost imediatly.
George:Omg Dream! Are you okay i've been calling you nonstop for the last five days.
Dream:Oh Im so sorry. How are you doing?
George: Im fine, but why weren't you answering me for FIVE DAYS????
Dream: I..I didn't feel really well.
George: Why? What happened? Are you sick?
Dream: No,no im fine. It's fine everythings fine.(silent sob)
George: Dream... are you crying?
Dream:(starts to cry loudly, shaking and not being able to breath)
George: Dream why are you crying?
George:It's okay calm down.
Dream: also gay..
George:WHAT! Omgg!! Are you crying because you were scared to say that, bro i am gay.
Dream: (chuckles) its my parents. They are homophobic. :/
George: Oh Dream Im so sorry..but listen who cares you are your own person don't let them take that away from you. You get to be with who you want to be and they have no right to judge.
Dream:Thanks George..that helps.
George: No problem, call me if you need to talk or i could come over.
Dream: Thank you, but im fine Im gonna do this myself.
George: Okayy... good night Dream.
Dream:Good night.

My head hurts from all the crying and not sleeping I should probably go to sleep. I will think about this later.

Next morning

I woke up in a strange bed, it wasn't mine. I saw a backpack on the floor and an open book with some pages missing. I looked thru it and only found letters on the last page. It said "to undo the spell you need to find your soulmate and touch"....

Aaaaa I am again sooo sorry i feel so bad it took me so long to get this out. But have an amazing day and i love you all <33333
Thank you so much for reading :)
words: 1189

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 03, 2022 ⏰

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