Head Over Heel In Love- Finchel Love Story

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Finn's POV

Ugh! I hate being the new kid. Me and my brother Kurt walk in the the halls of McKinley High and I see him run of with a DIVA looking girl with a Mercedes necklace on. She must be the girl who he is on Skype to all the time. These guys come up to me and start talking to me. A guy with a Mohawk talks first.

Puck: Hey, you look lost. You want us to help you out?

Finn: Yes please, do you know where my Locker is? It is number 127.

Puck: I know where that is! You know you are lucky.

Finn: Why? *gives a confused look*

Puck: Your locker is next to Rachel Berry's locker!

Finn: Who's Rachel Berry?

Puck: Not only the hottest girl in the school, but also head cheerleader!

Finn: Oh cool!

Puck: What's your first class?

Finn: Ummm... Spanish with Mr Schuester

Sam: Oh, I have that class! Puck has English so you can follow me

Finn: Thanks!

They make there way to Spanish

Finn: Hello Sir, umm I'm new!

Mr Schue: Oh right, you must be Finn Hudson! Take a seat next to Rachel over there, as that is the only seat available. *Points to Rachel*

Finn: *Takes a seat next to Rachel* Hey I'm Finn. Finn Hudson. * Thinks: Wow, Puck was right she is hot*

Rachel: Hey, I'm Rachel Berry.

Finn: Nice to meet you

Rachel: You too!

Bell Rings!

Rachel POV

Wow! That Finn guy is Hot, but the last relationship I was in didn't end well and I've been worried about other relationships!

Finn POV

Rachel is so HOT! I am totally gonna ask her out, if she don't have a boyfriend, which she probably does. Oh well it's worth a shot.

Lunch in the halls

Finn: Hey Rachel!

Rachel: Hey Finn

Finn: I know we just me, but I was wondering what you are doing tonight?

Rachel: *smiles*

Finn: So.... Do you wanna go out with me?

Rachel: I would love to! *Kisses his cheek then walks away giggling with Santana and Brittney.

Finn's POV

I'm so nervous, I can't believe she said yes, I walk up to her door and knock!

Shelby: Hello, You must be Finn?

Finn: Yes, Nice to meet you Ms.Berry

Shelby: Please, call me Shelby and come in.

Finn: Thank you

Shelby: Rachel should be down any minute! RACHEL!

Rachel: What?

Shelby: Finn is here.

Rachel: Oh right * Walks downstairs*


R=Rachel F=Finn so on....

Chapter 2

Finn's POV

There stood the most gorgeous girl I've ever seen. I just wanted to take her and kiss her, but I won't 'cause that will just freak her out...

R: Hey

F: You look amazing * Thinking: no she looks hot!*

R: Thanks you don't look to bad yourself

F: Shall we go?

R: Yes we shall!Bye mom

S: Bye have fun!

R: We will

At the date

R: wow this place is beautiful

F: just like you

R: *blushes*

F: *Pulls out a chair for Rachel*

R: thanks you *'sit down*

F: * Sits down*

They do the normal things you do on dates and they got on great and now walking home

F: So did you like it?


F: Oh I'm sorry I just thou....


F: *laughs * I'm glad you did!

They arrive at Rachel's house

R: I had a great time thanks you.

F: It's my pleasure!

R: well see you tomorrow *about to kiss his cheek but he turns his head just before and accidentally kisses him on the lips* Oh Crap, I'm so sorry

F: no it's okay but Can I try something?

R: yeah sure

F: *kisses her and feels sparks*

R: *kisses back and feels sparks too*

F: *deepens it*

R: *deepens it*

F: *pushes open Rachel's door*

R: *pulls away* wait what about my mum?

F: i thought she was going out as well tonight and not gonna be back till the morning?

R: Oh yeah *Kisses him*

F: *takes her to her room not breaking the kiss*

*you know the rest*

Okay that's it for tonight!hope you like it! I will do more tomorrow!

Head Over Heel In Love- Finchel Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now