Chapter 1

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Screams. Horrifying Screams. They tore through my eardrums. The earth beneath my feet began to quake. Broken windows began to shatter even more. Yet I continued on my trek. It was a good day.

My eyes swept my surrounding. This place was new. But I had to be here. My supplies were running low and my local store was overrun. I couldn't risk my life in there so I decided it was best to find a new route. If they got any closer to my diminutive settlement, I would have to move. But it would be for the best.

The sunlight beat down on my head and it was sweltering hot. The tips of my hair felt as if they had caught fire. Sizzling with each step that i took. There were no clouds in the sky allowing my eyes to burn from looking into the eye of another enemy.

The buildings that slouched at my sides, enclosed me to the narrow, broken road that lay beneath my boot clad feet, continuing on for what looked like miles ahead, trapping me, like there was no way out. Those were the type of buildings that stood tall and fought over sunlight and how much space they had. Now, however, they looked as if they had lost all hope in gaining back the sunshine, to which they lay on each other for support.

Autopilot. That's what it felt like. Although, you become accustomed to it after a while.

It felt as if I was a child again, in my parents car, watching the scenery go by. I used to pretend my hand was running along the cars. It seems that all I ever do now is watch the time fly. But I always find myself letting it pass.

My mind goes to a blur and focuses on the car to my left. A sudden reminder of what I was doing. Sometimes I would have to re-establish the fact that all of it is gone and that this is my life now. Although it is still so hard to let go.

Regaining control on reality, my feet continued on, dragging my evasive body almost telling me what was important.

Finally they stopped. Stopped at the front of a brightly coloured house. A house which reflected the sun, making it brighter, stinging my eyes.

Though, my mind forced me to stare. Mesmerised.

Sunshine. That what it reminded me of. It's yellow paint stood out among the dull, torpid chambers that watched mere feet away. It was perfect.

It seemed like my mind had turned back on. This was what I had been looking for. A place to finally satisfy my everlasting hunger.

A/N- Ahhh ok first chapter is done. please please add any things i have missed or should do better.


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