Chapter 5

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HIII !! this one is a longer chapter lmk if u guys like longer ones! happy reading love u

It's been a few days since I've talked to Matt. I couldn't stop replaying our kiss in my head, but his silence is making me think that it's something he regrets. With my luck he'll probably never text me again so maybe I should just make the first move.

I'm sitting in my history class right now sketching some ideas for a new Brockhampton single cover when I feel my phone buzz in my lap. I look up from my notebook making sure my professor isn't looking towards me.

matt : hi (:

It's like he read my mind. I already know I have the biggest smile on my face, I hope no one is staring at me because I probably look ridiculous right now.

  me: hi

me: i thought u forgot about me

matt: how could i after that amazing kiss?

I bite my lip thinking back to the other night before I type my response.

me: it wasn't that great

I smirk, clearly flirting with him.

matt: ouch

matt: i thought we could kiss again

matt: maybe on a date?

I feel the butterflies dancing around in my stomach.

me: on second thought

me: maybe another kiss will change my mind

I continue sketching, waiting for him to respond.

matt: i'll pick u up

me: i'm in class rn

I look up at the clock and realize I still have another hour in this class.

matt: ok so?? i'll pick u up

I quietly laugh and start packing up my things, looking around the room it doesn't seem like anyone is really noticing. I get up from my seat and make my way towards the door, I start to hear my professor call my name but I don't care.

I walk out of class and make my way towards the front of campus as I see Matt's car pull up. Damn he wasn't lying when he said he lives close by.

He rolls down his window as I approach, "Excuse me, I'm looking for a girl named Leah," I laugh, "She's an artist, has these amazing brown eyes, oh and she's a great kisser."

"It sounds like you have a crush," I laugh, hoping into his car. But could he though? I mean someone like him liking someone like me? It seems really impossible. For all I know he could be playing me and I'm just stupid enough to fall for it.

"Thinking about that kiss huh?" He says breaking me out of my thoughts.

"What!" I say confused, turning my head towards his. His eyes are glued to the road and he looks so serious. Wow he's so hot.

"I'm kidding, I was trying to ask if you're hungry?" He asks quickly, looking over at me. I catch the smallest smile and I can't help but stare at his lips thinking about how much I want them on mine again.

"Actually I am," I start, "I could go for some burgers."

"You read my mind." He laughs.

After eating we drive around for a bit just listening to music and laughing, this is probably the happiest I've been in a really long time. Even if our relationship doesn't take a romantic turn I feel like we're developing a great friendship. But there's a small part of me that's hoping we'll be more than just friends.

die with me // matt championWhere stories live. Discover now