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   Chloe woke up early the next morning. It was time to go to school. Chloe did her usual routines and went downstairs to dining room where she found her mom preparing for their breakfast.

   "Hey mom",  greeted Chloe. She kissed her mom's cheek then smiled. Chloe's mom smiled then kissed Chloe on her forehead.

   "Hey sweetie. How are you today?" asked Chloe's mom.

   "I feel great",  responded Chloe, then took a seat at the kitchen table.

   "Here's your pancake",  Chloe's mom grinned as she put a plate of pancakes on the table, in front of Chloe. Chloe's grin lit the room. Pancakes was her favourite food !
She took a fork and greedily speared the fork through a piece of pancakes and took a bite of it.

   "Eat slowly", her mom chuckled. But Chloe didn't seem to care.

   "Mmm..yummy",  mumbled Chloe.

   "Of course, dear. It's your favourite",  replied Chloe's mom then chuckled.

   There was a long silence between them. Chloe looked up at her mom. She noticed on her mom's expression that she was sad.

   "Mom? You okay?"

   "Yeah, I'm fine. It's just that.."

   "Just what?"

   "Hm..I wish Evie was here. She would be happy if she saw these pancakes" sighed Chloe's mom. She sat on a seat opposite her daughter. Chloe stopped eating and sighed. Yeah, who didn't know that Evie also loves pancakes? Chloe felt sorry for her mom. Suddenly, her dad came from upstairs. He was about to go to work.

   "Good morning sweethearts",  he grinned as he rubbed his fingers against Chloe's hair. He leaned towards Chloe's mom and quickly kissed her on the lips. Then, he took a seat beside Chloe and ate his pancakes.

   "Mom, dad, I gotta go",  said Chloe. She stood up and swung her school bag onto her shoulder. She kissed her parents on their cheeks.

   "Be careful, sweetie", remarked her mom.

   "We love you",  added her dad.

   "Love you too !" shouted Chloe who was standing at the door before going out.

   Since her school was not far away from her house, so Chloe went to school by riding her bicycle. It took her 5 to 10 minutes to go there. Arrived at school, she parked her bicycle, not far away from the school gate.
   Arrived at her locker, she met her best friend, Alisha, who was also known as Lish.

   "Hey darling",  greeted Alisha while smirking. She leaned at Chloe's locker. Chloe rolled her eyes.

   "Step back",  chuckled Chloe. She pushed Alisha aside then opened her locker. She took some important stuff for her class soon. Alisha stood and leaned on her locker, next to Chloe's. She stared at Chloe while crossing her arms. She narrowed her eyes at Chloe who was still searching for her stuff.

   "Hey, you looks like you're not excited to go to school",  she began. Chloe rolled her eyes.

   "You're too bad for a doctor. I'm fine", scoffed Chloe."Well, maybe a little".

   Alisha snorted then laughed. A moment later, she stopped. "By the way, sorry for your sister's death. I didn't expect she would go first too soon",  mumbled Alisha. Chloe grinned sadly.

   "Thanks, Lish. I felt sorry for her too",  responded Chloe. "Now, let's go to our class. French class will be started in a few minutes, right?".

   "Ugh, I know", grunted Alisha before following Chloe to their classroom. When they arrived at their classroom, they met Edward, who was also called as Eddie. He was sitting at Chloe's desk, then stood up when he saw Alisha and Chloe. He jogged towards them. Chloe could feel butterflies above Edward's head.

   "Hey Chloe !" trilled Edward. "I'm glad you're back. And I'm sorry for your sister's death". He gave Chloe his puppy eyes, which was cute. Alisha gave Edward a disgust look.

   "Gross", teased Alisha. Then laughed. Edward glared at her. Chloe smiled.

   " Oh, Chloe. I've found something under your desk. Better take a look at it", said Edward. Chloe frowned.

   "What is it?",  asked Chloe. Edward shrugged.

   " I don't know. I just saw something but haven't check it yet. And, you know, I'm not gonna touch other people's stuff", remarked Edward.

   "Is it alive?",  asked Chloe stupidly. Edward slapped his forehead.

   " It's not an animal, Chloe !", grunted Edward.

   "Well, I still remember when you put a fake snake under my desk and I freaked out", Chloe glared at Edward. Edward slapped his forehead, again.

   " Well, I don't have time fooling around right now. There's something under your desk and I'm not kidding. And it's not a fake snake", explained Edward. Alisha looked like she was impatient. She yawned.

   "Let's just take a look. You're wasting our time", interjected Alisha. She strode towards Chloe's desk and slid her hand under the desk. A moment later, she took out something. She faced her best friends.

   "Silly, Chloe. It's just a letter", mocked Alisha. She gave Chloe the letter. Chloe took the letter with a frown.

   " Weird", she muttered.

   "What?", asked Edward.

   " I've never received any letters from under my desk. If this letter came from this school, they usually send it to my house", explained Chloe.

   "Hm..yeah, that's odd", agreed Alisha. Edward nodded in agreement.

   " But this..." said Chloe, almost whispering. She examined the letter carefully.

   "But what?",  asked Alisha. Chloe looked up, her eyes met Edward and Alisha's.

   "I don't think this letter came from this school. There's no address on it. It's envelope- It's just empty",  explained Chloe. Edward and Alisha took the letter and examined it.

   " Yeah, there's nothing written on it", said Edward. There was a long silence between them. Then, the bell rang. It was time for their French class.

   "Well, we'll discuss about this later at breaktime", said Alisha. Chloe and Edward nodded. They went to their seats and waited for their teacher to come.

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