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AUGUST 7TH, 1995

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AUGUST 7TH, 1995

I was brawling my morning coffee. My house was quiet for six people living in. After the war the ministry took over a couple of the most famous family mansions, because death eater meeting were held there. First that was taken over was the Malfoy mansion. After Draco and his mother turned in his father for being a willing death eater and abusing Draco. His mother moved in with her sister Andromeda. And Draco moved in with me. Next was Parkinson mansion. Than the Zabini's,  Goyles, Crabbes, and Greenglass's. Now Draco, Pansy, Blaise, Daphne, and Astoria are all staying with me. I don't mind it though we all need each other right now.

I should've most likely said who I am. My name is Theodore Nott, call me Theo. That's what everyone calls me. I'm an 18 year old Graduate of Hogwarts. I work at the ministry of magic in the history of magic department. I'm partnered up with Hermione Granger. She's really not that bad when you get to know her. Most students went straight to the ministry after the war. We all got partner with someone from Potters group. The ministry said they partnered people at random but that's not true. The put Potters group with Slytherins to keep an eye on us. Malfoy got it the worst though he got Potter. Blaise with Weasley, Pansy with female Weasley, and Daphne with Lovegood.  And Astoria still has one year left at Hogwarts. They let 6th years like female Weasley and Lovegood graduate a year earlier but 5th years were a no go. She starts back in September. Much to Draco's dislike. My owl Keigo threw though the kitchen window and dropped a letter on the counter in front of me. I opened the letter, it was Granger's writing.

Dear Theodore Nott

Things of both your mothers and Mr Draco Malfoy mothers were found in 12 Grimmauld Place, the Black family home. I here by ask that yourself, Mr Malfoy, Mrs Malfoy, and Mrs Andromeda Tonks met myself and Ms Hermione Granger at 2 Grimmauld Place this afternoon at 4:00 pm.

Harry Potter

I walked down the hall to Draco's room. I didn't bother knocking before opening the door. I soon regretted that decision. Draco and Astoria were both under the covers. Astoria was still sleeping in the bed but Draco was very much awake.

"Bloody hell mate. You need to learn to knock Theo." Draco said, putting down a letter in his hands. "Sorry Dray. Did you get one to?" I asked raising the letter in my hand. "Yeah, Potter warned me yesterday that they found some of my mothers stuff. He said I didn't have to go because my mother could but I wanted to. I have no idea why you got one though." Draco told me. "Me neither." I told him. I have not a clue why my mother stuff would be at the Black house. She always disliked Draco and his mother for being part of the Black family bloodline.

4 pm

Draco and myself stood on the steps of 12 Grimmauld place. "You ready." Draco asked. "As ready as I'll ever be." I told him. Draco knocked on the door. With in seconds it was opened by a very beautiful brunette woman that looked remarkably like Bellatrix Laststrange.

"Draco, hello dear." The woman said hugging him. This must be his aunt, Andromeda Tonks. How can she be so happy when she's lost so much? My mother died in the war. Her daughter and husband died to so how can she be so smiley. "You must be Theodore." She said with a bright smile.

"Uh yes ma'am." I replied nervously. "Well follow me." She told us. Draco looked at me with a calm down look on his face. Trust me Dray if I could I would.

A/N: sorry it's so short, I was just trying to get it posted. Next chapter soon. Please comment.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 28 ⏰

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