chapter 4 ---strange figures

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Sorry for very late updates I was procrastinating also my draft was deleted as I had gotten a new phone
I'm very sorry for the delay! Another note i forgot my password and my phone had to be restarted inorder to unlock it again I'm sorry for all.the delays-Rin_chann 2022
Hey its rin in 2023 here to tell u that this chapter of the story has been revamped before posting I also would like to apologise to everyone waiting for this chapter for so long also tye entire story might be done in 2024 but I'm estimating rn as I'm not only juggling studies but I'm also juggling student leadership and my Co curriculum activities.- Rin

Yuki's pov

"Asmo? Is that you? If it is tell me what did you betray her?" I shouted at the figure in the distance,as the figure came closer to me I drew my spear out for protection when the figure spoke "its been long hasn't it yuki,those in the devildome aren't me , beel, belphie,santan or the others those are shadow clones that r/n made as she banished us here. Well I think lucifer is the only one that is still in the devildome.""so she's capable of doing those huh I thought you needed delusions or concentrated amount of elemental magic to do that, not to mention it was around the time she was in snezneya. The fatui found out that some delusions were stolen which means she's the one who stole them! Now that I think about it it makes more sense because why would you guys suddenly become different people altogether without reason. Thanks for the heads up!" Before waking up " ugh.... that's gonna leave a mark but I should probably find mc" I murmured to myself
Mc P.O.V
I was wondering whether yuki was fine in her room when suddenly I heard a loud thud that's when I dashed to yuki's room she told me everything that happened when she went unconscious. " so your telling me that she's capable of doing all that just so she could get attention? What's her motivation behind all this? Why does she want to kill me so badly?" " that's something I still can't put my mind on it feels like she wants revenge for something. Did you in anyway made her feel she needed to get revenge on you?" Yuki said.

Meanwhile in tayvat
"It's been awhile since we last saw the shogun have we not?" Paimon asked the travler. Who in response nodded their head "let's go to the grand narukami shrine and ask yea miko about her first before we barge in!" The wondrous seafood fairy said with vigor " well need to bring snacks too!" She added " are you sure the snacks aren't for you?" The travler asked "ehehe" the floating emergency food responded

Back to the mc
"We'll need a plan. A plan to stop her once and for all I don't want future exchange students to lose their lives over this silly dispute I have with R/n I suppose we can start by trying to bring them back for starters and then we can start phase one of the operation." Mc said " How about we beat her at her own ames if she wants to fight fire with fire so be it!" Mc proclaimed

Back in tayvat
" oh your trying to visit Ei am I wrong? Sadly Ei is currently away from her plane of euthymia." Yea miko explained to the travelling duo " how did you know- never mind where is Ei anyways?" Paimon asked . " I'm afraid I cannot tell you that" she answered....

R/n pov

" Oh so they found out how interesting I was just getting started as well on my plan~ let the games begin shall we not?"

Rin here yes I ended it on a cliffhanger for chapter 5 and also to redo some of the older chapters. So I'm sorry for the very short chapter

 Sweet Revenge~ f!mc as Ei Or Baal Or Shogan. Obey Me Replaced Au  Where stories live. Discover now