Episode 1: Escape

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Author's note! This first episode was actually written by my bestie CthulhuFhtagn, or HasturFhtagn on DeviantArt. She doesn't have a Wattpad so I can't direct you to her on here but please do check her out and read all of her stuff, you 100% will not regret it. Without further ado, enjoy.

The desert was quiet. The wind howled. In the distance were desert mesas and rock formations, the sun setting behind them. A bicycle roared down the road, its owner pedaling as fast as he possibly could. Max pedaled frantically, sweating up a storm. He was a teenager, around 17. Nerdy, dressed in a dollar-store lab coat. Behind him roared a pair of sleek black cars, a helicopter visible in the sky behind them. From one of them, bellowing through a megaphone, came the words, 

"Freeze! Drop the cube, kid! It's not worth it!" 


The boy muttered, frantically digging through his backpack's pockets. 

"Dangit! Where are you?" 

"Can I help you, Max?" 

Max dodged a gunshot taken from the helicopter. 

"Depends. You wanna go back to Area 16?" 

"Hmm...Well, it would beat being stuck with you..." 

"IC-0n. We are being pursued by military dudes. With guns. We do not have time for this right now." 

The cube unfolded slowly, like a transformer, into a floating mechanical girl, metal talons snipping like scissors at the end of her oversized, serpentine pigtails. 

"Fine. Then what do you want me to do, O Administrator Mine?

Max swerved over to the side of the road, the helicopter turning more slowly to keep up and gunshots ringing out from the windows of the cars as they pulled over. "Anything! Just don't let them kill me!"

IC-0n laughed, her flatscreen face blinking red as bullets bounced off her. 

"Permissions have been overridden accordingly, Administrator. Initializing subroutine: Air-to-Earth Tactical Obliteration." 

IC-0n fired an energy blast at one car, sending it flying over the cowering Max's head as it slammed into the other car and exploded in a fiery mess.  IC-0n dusted her pigtail hands together. 

"Operation is complete, Administrator." 

"Jeez, Icon. You didn't have to kill them." 

"You said anything.

"...Good point. I kind of - Icon, the heli -" 

A huge explosion knocked IC-0n sideways, towering up before her as she hit the ground hard. She tried to pull herself up, but bullets slammed into her and knocked her back to the ground, not doing much meaningful damage but still stunning her. She coughed, error messages flickering across her face. 

"A-administrator...Permission to..." 

Max sighed, and closed his eyes. 


She raised a hand, and the helicopter shuddered. The rotors froze, but the vehicle stayed aloft, Its guns now silent. IC-0n began floating off the ground, a monstrous grin spreading over her face. The helicopter began collapsing in on itself, getting crushed down smaller and smaller. The pilots were screaming and beating on doors that were crushing in around them, the screens inside all showing a slowly rotating cube and the words 'Suck it'. IC-0n's hand squeezed shut and the helicopter collapsed into a tiny, black cube, falling to the ground.

Max shuddered. 

"God, I hate that." 

IC-0n grinned, walking over to and picking up the cube. 

"Whaddya want it to be, Max - I mean, Administrator?" 

"I dunno...Just save it. It doesn't really feel right, riding bikes and wearing clothes made of...y'know...corpses." 

"Fine by me!" 

She grinned. 

"Shall we get going?" 


He climbed onto the bike. IC-0n flew over to him, grinning. Her face split open to reveal a cavernous maw with glass-like teeth, and she popped the cube into her mouth while he wasn't  looking, before returning to cube form and plopping into his outstretched hand.

Internecion Cube, RewrittenWhere stories live. Discover now