Episode 2: Interconnected, Part 1

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Snow. The snow fell oppressively. It bore down. It blanketed the roads and the dirt and the trees, a soft layer of frozen tears. A car sped through the frozen mountains, clad in black. Its motion unceasing. The pines stood tall over this car, as if judging it. Birds feasted on the frozen roadkill, and the car continued speeding forth. A facility lay ahead. A nondescript one, but it certainly had to have been important. A tunnel. 'Eisenhower Tunnel 1973' was displayed above it. The car drove into it. An electronic sign inside the tunnel displayed a message. 'Happy Thanksgiving!'. The car continued to drive. Past an entrance labeled "Facility-A" it drove. Inside the facility, was a young girl. She had a little sweater, short hair, and wide eyes. She was sketching a water cooler, staring intently at it for a few seconds before continuing her sketch. 

"Sylvie, I know. I know. But she needs me. I can't just leave her behind. I'm...I'm all she has."

"That's not an excuse for bringing a kid into the facility, Hans. This place is top secret and full of danger, you know that." 

"We've got the best security-" 

"Hans, no amount of security is sure to stop them." 


"Whatever, get on with it." 

A little name tag was printed out. 'Kirie Bonin, Guest'. That was her name. 

"Alright, today's gonna be a little tour of the office. Just a few hours. That alright?" 

She looked up at his face. But she couldn't remember it. 




The facility was huge. People below scampered about, keeping everything in order. Kirie and her caretaker walked ahead. He swiped a key card and the elevator whirred to life, and began crawling upwards. Kirie just watched. Although silent on the outside, she was very curious. What were these people doing? What did all of this mean? Eventually, the elevator reached its destination, and with a 'ding!' opened up. The door slid open.

"Team, meet Kirie, my daughter. Kirie, meet my team." 

"Aww, hello there sugar!" 

She looked into the scientist's face. But she couldn't remember it. 

"She's not much of a talker. She's more of a colorer." 

She instinctively hid behind her father. 

"D'aww, well take care sweetie!" 

"We'll set you up in the breakroom with your snacks and a little change for the vending machine. Sound good sweetie?" 

She looked up at him, and gave a little silent nod. He took her by the hand through the hallways lit with fluorescent lights. She stepped into the breakroom. Her little coloring book sprawled out on the desk. 

"I'll be back in two hours. Sound good sweetie?" 

She gave a little silent nod. 

"See you then." 

He stepped out of the room. She walked over to the vending machine and inserted her money with a satisfying 'clunk!'. She hit the key combination for a bag of potato chips. The vending machine whirred as the chips were dispensed, and she grabbed them out of the little box they fell into. Walking back over to the table she set them down, grabbed her crayons and got right to work. She began coloring vigorously, shading in a pterodactyl or some sort that looked right out of a cartoon. She colored for about 20 minutes. Then, suddenly, the lights flickered. And they went out. A distant siren sound could be heard, and the TV in the corner began flashing with static. She didn't like that sound. The image hurt her eyes. She sat there, still, a little afraid for five minutes. Eventually, she mustered up the courage to stand up and begin wandering the facility. She walked through the halls, looking for any sign of the personnel. She wandered through hall after hall, not quite able to comprehend what the numbers and serial designations on the walls meant. Eventually, she came before a giant door. On it was labeled 'Cold Storage.' She put her hand on the door. It felt...cold. Suddenly, a circuit broke and the door came flying open. 

She stumbled forward, shocked by the sudden blast of cold air. She stared up at the figure in front of her. It was...horrible. At least 15 meters tall, arms skinny as a rail and far too long for comfort. It had hair, although it was contorted into spikes, horrible claws at the ends of its braids. Its neck was bony, metal vertebrae visible, at least two feet long. Its face had no eyes, only a giant gaping mouth full of teeth like glass shards, its throat so deep it looked like a wretched abyss. Its neck had visible metal vertebrae, and was at least two feet long. Giant metallic wings stretched from its back, apparently composed from cuboid structures. A cube-shaped hole was carved out in its chest. It was on its knees, reaching a razor claw towards her, apparently having been frozen at a dramatic time. It looked...desperate. And finally, three words left her little mouth. 

"Who are you?" 

She stared at it. She barely even noticed the cold. She looked up at the ceiling, and a little cube fell from it. She didn't even notice the viscera and bone growing from the ceiling. She looked down, and picked it up. Perfectly geometric. Perfectly cuboid. She admired its smoothness, its perfection. But when she tried to drop it, she...couldn't. She pulled. She tugged. It was stuck fast like glue. She began to grow desperate, and stumbled back, meat and flesh fell off her hand. Until it was bone. And finally, she screamed. Her eyes rolled into the back of her head as X's were burned into them, and she grinned a terrible grin. And that was when Kirie woke up.

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