Chapter 3: *Pets, Glasses, Captured & Betrayed*

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We were currently on our way to the house because we need Sam's Great great grandfather's Glasses that have the coordinates to the Allspark. I activated my holoform so that when we get there i could finally feed my 5 pets which are Fang the iguana, Bolt a Red-tailed hawk i had saved, Ash a 18ft long white cobra, Shadow my black wolf and Snow my Snow wolf. As i got There i pulled up into the front driveway and made my holoform run to the back where my pets were kept. I noticed that the Bots were parked in vehicle mode in the backyard. but i didn't care i ran past them to the cages/tanks that Fang and the others where kept in opening Fang's and Ash's tanks, then i went to Bolt and the wolf twins cages as I looked at the enclosure that had water and land I remembered the box that i found in my room. I run into the back door and bolted up the stairs into my room I put the box that was on the floor onto a box trolley and gently took it down the stairs and outside into the enclosure, opening up the side of the box not caring about the curious optics that were watching me and my pets that were with me in the enclosure to protect from the animal if they gets a bit aggressive. When the box side was finally open the two of the most feared reptiles crawled out  a female Komodo dragon (up top) and a male Freshwater crocodile (end of chapter) which i had named already when i saw them in the box. The komodo is Jaws and the Crocodile is Spike they didn't get aggressive at all just scared. Once i calmed them down and introduced them to the other animals I noticed that the other bots but Sides and Sunny were by Sam's window . The twins drove to the front of the house and parked next to my alt whiel their holoforms fizzed outside of the enclosure. "Why do you have dangerous animals as... pets?" Sideswipe asked me as he and Sunstreaker leaned against the fence, "Well... Ash was going to get killed because she was the runt of the Hatch and now look she's bigger than her parents and siblings." I said pointing to Ash who had curled around a big branch that was on the floor, "Bolt was hurt so i helped her but she won't leave.' I said pointing to the Hawk that sat on my shoulder, " Fang is a rare iguana that people were going to force breed" I said about Fang who was staring at the twins. " Shadow and Snow are twins that got thrown out their pack for some reason" I said pointing at the 2 wolves that lied on each side of me. "And finally Jaws and Spike were rejects at a zoo for fighting their own kind but not each other." I said pointing at my 2 new rescues. We heard some unknown car engines, I chased the other bots including the twins away and ran inside to see Sam being scanned by some device, "What's going on here?" I asked a little loud. "Ah.. Ms Amellea right?" The one that scanned Sam asked me, "Yeah so?" I said a little annoyed. "Step forward now" He said demanding and so I did. He pointed the scanner at me and the screen exploded, "WOW Off the charts...BINJGO bag 'em and tag 'em, get the car as well." He said, Two men came up to me and cuffed my hands,legs and i got a DAM MASK put on and my Alt was put on a trailer and a tarp thrown over it the trailer was connected to the SUV Creep #1, His Sidekick, Sam, Mikaela and I got thrown into. "So....LadiesMan217 that you?" he asked Sam, and that was were I stopped Listerning until they started shouting, "IT'S BIG, IT'S BIG" When the roof broke off and we fell dad was In front of us I looked up at him. "Taking the Children and my Daughter was a bad move.... Autobots relive them of their weapons" Dad said as Hide' ran out with the others Shouting "Freeze". Jazz came up and took the S7s guns. I them remembered My Alt that was hitched on a trailer to our SUV, I turned around to see it perfectly on the ground with my animals and the twins guarding it and the trailer broken next to it. I hopped out the car and disabled my holoform, the restrains falling on the floor when i once was. I revved my engine then began to transform. When i was done i looked down at the S7 men that had been staring at me with fearful looks, "So she is Alien and finally decides to reveal". Sides and Sunny apparently did not like that as i ended up with 2 swords 1 from both of them in front of me protectively and guess what the twins were growling. I charged up my canons and put both against the twins backs, Right then and there everyone and everything froze  the two in front of me slowly put their swords away and turned their heads towards me "Uhhh Arrow what are you doing?" They both asked at the same time. "Arrowwolf stand down... NOW!" Dad commanded me. "Sorry dad, everyone but this is to save your lives" I said sounding really sad, "Shadow, Snow go get it" I told the twins. They both nodded and walked up to Sam growling, Shadow continued to growl while Snow walked up to Sam grabbing the glasses case out of his hand. they both walked up to me ready. "Jaws, Spike, Fang, Ash and Bolt stay with the bots" I told them while beginning to lean forward to Sides's and Sunny's audio receptors and whispered, "I sorry guys you'll understand why i did this soon, remember I care for you two. Protect them" When i finished i shot their feet and quickly transformed in to my McLaren form, and let Shadow and Snow hop in and I began to race down the canel leaving my family and friends behind screaming for me to come back


It was silent after you left. The Bots couldn't wrap their helms around the fact that you betrayed them "What...what now Prime she took the glasses." Iron hide said looking at his leader whos optics were still locked onto where you once stood

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