Chapter 10

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I walked to a secret alley with anything with me. I just waited for the signal to attack. That's when I felt somebody walking behind me and shouted "Y/n! Y/n! It's Mikasa!" I turned my head and saw Mikasa. She looked different, yet she still had Eren's scarf on. "Mikasa?!" I looked her then ran and hugged her. "Where's the rest of the people?" I asked breaking away from the hug. "They are around this area waiting." She said calmly.

Mikasa and I were good friends back in the day. People praised her and me for our strength. I could tell Mikasa had a crush on Eren, but Eren would push her away for some reason. Mikasa and I grew closer when it came to protecting each other or Eren. Yes, it may sound like a love triangle, but it isn't...I don't think. Mikasa was there for me when I was basically on the verge of death. She would bring me food, made sure I had the right medication, and made sure I was always comfortable. She is like a sister to me.

"Mikasa whatever you do just make sure to be careful." I said putting my hand on her shoulder and smiling at her. "I know Y/n. The same goes to you." She said focused as ever. I nodded and calmly waited for the signal. That's when we heard the signal and that's when we all started to attack Marley. From what I remember there was a lot of blood. Lots of it. I also remember seeing bodies everywhere. Children...those poor children. Half of Marley was gone like that. From there me and Eren returned to Paradis. Zeke also came with us since he betrayed his island.

Sasha was dead. She was the only main person I cared about who lost her life. Me and Eren were locked up in prison for our crime. They didn't keep me in there for long when we found out that I was pregnant. I was excited but also sad to be pregnant. I felt like I was go to be alone with all of this. And I was but Mikasa and Armin made to help when they could. After a little while everything seemed to be normal. I was still pregnant and I went go to doing what I loved to do. I continued to write about my life and somehow helped with the scouts. My life was back to normal in some ways. That's when I heard a knock on my door. I opened it and saw that it was Carmen. "Oh hey Carmen! Come in!" I said and did a motion for her to come in. "Y/n, we need to talk." She had a worried look on her face. I sat down "What is it?"

  Carmen handed me a envelope it was addressed to me. "I'll leave you too read it. I have to go now." She rubbed my belly and left. I looked and the envelope and opened it. It was a letter from Eren. 'Did he give this to Carmen so he didn't have to see me?' I thought in my head. It was a two pages long. I began to read.

  'To my Y/n,
As you are read this I am probably dead or somewhere not safe. Im sorry that I won't be there for you and our baby. Im sorry we won't have an official wedding. One that you deserve. My life changed once you entered into it. I was happy for once and I just knew I had to protect you. I think I failed in that. I have wrote a letter to Armin and Mikasa to look after you when I am gone in this world. I promise to look after you and our baby in the after life. I promise you I will find a way. I wished that I could have lived a little more to be with you. Maybe in another life...we can have a life that we could never have in this life time. One that there is no war and no violence. A peaceful one. One that it will be just you and one else. Y/n I love you so much and please remember that. My life was became completed was you came in. I would have never asked for anyone better. I love you so much and don't change.
                                            -Sincerely Eren'

  I wiped as tears after I read the letter. I cried for many hours until I couldn't cry anymore. Many years after that I still remember your dad's face. I'm surprised I've never forget it. The only reason why I remember his face it because of you. You look like him some much my little one. "Why did you name me Rosalie Carla Yeager?" My child asked. "Well...I named you after my sister and Eren's mom." I said smiling. "Why didn't you tell me about dad sooner mom?" Rosalie asked. "You were too young to understand. Now that you are older and well educated I felt like it was the right time to tell you. Now open your gift." I said and handed her the gift. She opened it. "A necklace! Thanks mom!" She said excitedly. "It's not just any type of necklace. It's a necklace your dad earned it from the scouts." I said with a smile. Rosalie began to get teary eyed and placed to necklace close to her heart. I hugged her and wiped her tears away. "Thanks mom can I go hangout with my friends?" "Of course you can." "Thanks mom." She left.

  So Eren our daughter has grown up to be just like you. I hope you can see that. I wish you were here to see her. I miss you and love you so much. Till we meet again my love.



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