Forgetting Me

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The smell of gasoline fill my nose. Sharp pains were coming from my hand. My eyes slowly open, I'm still belted into the passengers seat. The last thing I remember was heading down the high way and hitting something, it all happened so quickly. I looked down at my right hand, a shard of glass piercing my palm. My other hand was sitting in something warm, I lift it to pull the glass for my right hand. I pull the shard out carefully and throw it to the side. I look at the other hand, it was covered in a warm red liquid. I suddenly realize it wasn't mine. Next to me was my boyfriends body spilling pools of blood on to the cars floor.

"No...NO! Blue?..Blue? Can you hear me? Blue?!" I look around the beaten up car for my purse. I unbuckle the seat belt and reach for my bag on the other side of the dash board. I dug though it and pulled out my cell phone and dialled 911.

"Hello 911, what's your emergency?"

"My boyfriend isn't responding and hes losing a lot of blood."

"Mam please calm down, where are you?"

"I don't know exactly, we were driving to Cincinnati." i herd some typing from the other side of the phone.

"Ok mam we are sending medics and officers right now, would you like me to stay on the line with you while you wait?"

"No, I'm fine thank you." i said before i hanging up.

I brush Blue's dark brown hair out of his beat up face.

"I'm so sorry Blue, but every things going to be ok, i promise." Tears fall from my face hitting the wounds on his cheek. Several minutes later i here sirens coming up the road. Before i know it an officer is priying my door open.

"Were going to get you guys out of there, ok."

I look over to the door on Blues side, an officer is already pulling his body out through the broken glass and dented metal. A male medic comes to my door.

"Do you need any medical help?"

"Well i have a deep cut on my right hand." I hold up my right hand to show the male medic.

"Ok, can you get out at all?"


"Ok, can u give me both your hands?" I hold my arms out through the open door. The medic grabs my wrists and slowly pulls my out of my seat. After I'm out of the car the another medic is bringing over a first aid kit.

"Can I see your hand miss?" I hold out my hand with the large gash in it. The medic, this time a female, looks at the large gash, as she wraps gaws around my hand i look over to were some medics are sraping Blue into a gurney. One of the medics quickly start CPR on blue.

"Hes still not breathing!" Tears start rushing from my eyes. The medic continue CPR, then mouth to mouth.I find my self crying even more,hes going to die i tell my self. Every things not going to be ok.Then all of the sudden i hear the medic yell out again.

"Every things ok, hes breathing again." I sigh in relief.

"Would you like to ride in the ambulance with your boyfriend miss?" one of the medics asks.

"um, yes please." They load Blues gurney into the ambulance and i follow behind, siting right next to him." The ambulance pulls away from the wreck that was our car.

Within 10 min we are at the hospital. The pull the gurney with Blue on it out of the ambulance, I follow after. The medics rush him inside and into a room. I run after but a medic stops me at the doors to the emergency room.

“I’m sorry, but you’ll have to stay here and fill out some of this paper work.” He hands me a clips board and some patient forms for Blue.

“Alright but I’ll get to see him after, right?”

“Yes, when you’re done had them to the nurse at the desk.”

I walk over to the chairs in the waiting room and pull out my phone. I quickly text my best friend, Raina, what had happened. I start filling out the form with the requested information.

Name: Blue Murphy

Birthdate: 4/22/95

And so on and so on. My phone vibrates; I pick it up and read the text I received from Raina.

“Omg Veronica is everything ok?! Are you alright, is Blue alright?!”

I respond back with “Yes, but can you come down here.” I shove my phone back in my purse and finish with the paper work. After it was all filled out I walk up to the desk where a young nurse with dark skin and brown hair sits.

“I’m all done with the forms.”

“oh, thank you.” She says taking it. She looks it over quickly to make sure everything is filled out. “you can go in and see him now.”

I quickly go through the doors into his room. A doctor looks at me as the door opens.

“He is stable now but he has a pretty bad concussion.”  He says.

“oh, I’m just glad he’s ok.” I say as Raina walks in.

“oh my god, I’m so glad you guys are ok.” She says as she hugs me tight.

“I’ll leave you guys alone; just ring this buzzer on the wall if you need anything.”  The doctor says as he walks out the rooms’ door.

We sit there for hours, nurses coming in and checking him every so often. It is about 4 hours after the accident, the clock strikes 7 pm and a nurse walks in to check on him again, but this time he starts to move. I quickly get up and rush to his side. His eyes slowly open.

I hug him softly, trying not to hurt him. “Thank god, I never thought you would never wake up.”

He pushes me off gently. “Why are you hugging me?” he asks

“because I’m your girlfriend, Veronica.”


“y-you don’t remember me?” tears start falling down my cheek.

“No.” he says looking very confused.

I run out of the room crying, but Raina stops in front of me with a juice in her hand.

“Veronica, what happened? What’s wrong?”

“He doesn’t remember me.” I sit down, Raina does as well.

She wipes away my tears. "Veronica everything's going to be ok," Raina grabs and hugs me tight. "He's not going to forget you or anything you guys have been through." "Raina did you see his face?! He didn't know who the hell I was!" I screamed at her, her face horrified.

 "I'm sorry Raina, I didn't mean to scream at u like that." tears drip slowly off my cheeks hitting the cold tile floor below.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 08, 2014 ⏰

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