The Engagement

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Jack was supposed to meet me at our house today after training however it is now 1pm and he is nowhere to be seen. I've been texting him for 30 minutes when suddenly I hear a group of men cheering outside my window so I make my way to the door and when I reach it,I open it to see the whole of the Man City team at my door and the man himself Jack Grealish at the front of them all with a sheepish grin on his face.

"Babyyyyy" he shouts out to me as soon as I'm on the doorstep.

I stand there with my hands on my hips and a frown on my face. "Don't you baby me Grealish! Where the fuck have you been?!"

He looks shocked at my outburst but quickly hides it as he makes his way towards me. "Baby I swear it'll all make sense in a little while,I can't tell you right now cos it will ruin the surprise but I promise it's nothing to worry about! Do you trust me?" Jack spoke in his soft voice which he only uses for me.

"You scared me,you know I don't like it when you don't respond,it makes me think somethings happened to you,especially when I know what time you finish training. Of course I trust you and I'll let it slide this time because everyone's here and it must be something big if you brought them but please Jack,please don't do that again." I beg him quietly while reaching for his hands.

"I promise you,never again. I just wanted to make everything perfect for the surprise. We just need to go around the corner,everyone's already there waiting for us. Is that okay?" At this point Jack has both of my hands in his and is holding them under his chin.

"Yeah baby,whatever you want. Just let me grab my phone and lock up. Do you need anything before we go?" Just then remembering that we're not alone,I lean round Jack and ask the boys the same thing.

"We're all good thank you!" John Stones replied for everyone.


"Nah,I've got everything and there's gonna be food and drink where we're going anyway."

"Okay,give me 2 minutes and I'll be with you." I pecked him on the lips and ran inside,leaving them all to talk amongst themselves.

Jack's POV

Since I had a couple of minutes while Y/N was getting her stuff together,I decided to go and make sure the boys knew the plan. I walked over to where Phil and Raheem were stood and clapped them both on the back, "boys,just wanted to double check you know what's going to happen and what you've got to do".

"Yes Jack ,we've been through this a million times already,just calm down. You will go into the room first with the rest of the team and make sure that everything and everyone is ready while we distract Y/N outside,when we receive your go-ahead text we will bring Y/N inside and then it's all on you. Correct?" Sterling calmly spoke.

"Yeah that's right,sorry guys,I'm absolutely shitting myself and I just want to sure that everything is perfect for her."

"Bro,you're going to be fine. You've been together for 5 years,there's no doubt in anyones minds that she's going to say yes. Just breathe and everything will go great!" Kyle Walker joined our little circle and eased my mind a little with his wise words.

In that exact moment, Y/N exits the house looking beautiful as ever in a hoodie I gave her at the start of my contract with Aston Villa,a pair of jeans that show everything and nothing at the same time and some vans that I bought her last year for Christmas. I make my way towards her while admiring her.

"You look incredible" I'll admit,I drooled a bit.

Y/N blushes but says "Jack,I'm just wearing my chill clothes. Are you sure I don't need to change into something nicer?"

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 25, 2021 ⏰

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