7) Sex education

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No Pov:
It's a normal Tuesday afternoon in college. Its just after lunch and pupils are making their way back to class. The corridors flood with teens yelling to eachother as they walk to their lessons. You can see the groups form: the frat boys, the nerds, the popular girls, the popular boys and so on. Y/n finds herself in a comfortable group, not the mean girls but not too unpopular, just in the middle. She's a likeable character, quite quiet but funny and a all round nice person to be around. And then there's Harry. He's in with the popular crowd, everyone loves him, even the teachers, he's notorious for his sex habbits. Even some of the teachers have been with him. Well that's what people say.

Y/n Pov:
I yawn as I walk into my 'personal development' class. Possibly the most boring lesson. You learn about bills, drugs, smoking and so on, basically things to prepare us for the future, since we are all around 18 now. As I walk in, I sit down at a seat, waiting for the teachers arrival.

Slowly the rest of the class begin to filter in and the lesson starts without further ado.
"Hello everyone, today's lesson is on sex education. So I'd like us to all listen carefully... and stay mature please." Miss Brown says. As if that's ever going to happen. I must admit and own up. Taking responsibility is important.. and I do crack a smile and a laugh every time I hear the word 'penis', the little immature girl in me can't seem to hide it sometimes. It's just funny.

She takes the register and just as the lesson is about to start In walks no other than Harry Styles.
"Styles, you're late" she speaks making direct eye contact.
"I'd appreciate if you would come to my lesson, making out with all the girls can wait till later.
"Not all of them" he says winking at the teacher, making her blush.

He's cocky on a whole new level. It's appealing really yet he makes all the girls gush in amazement. He doesn't lift a finger, that's the thing that bothers me most about him. He does fuck all and everyone swarms around him as if he's some sort of foreign object that needs to be drooled over.

He walks further into the room, taking a seat at the back of the class.
"So, I'm going to put you in pairs and you are going to look at and practise using different contraception methods" Miss Brown instructs, earning a few immature cheers from the frat boys. As I say, so immature.

Miss goes through the pairs and finally my name is called
"Y/n, you are with... Harry." My heart drops.
"Fuck" I mumble under my breath, not in the least bit excited to partner up with Harry. Thats what I tell myself anyway, I've learnt to push my feelings for him down. I've always had a crush on him since I was a little girl and we were in the same class.

Let's be honest, he doesn't need this talk. Yet maybe he needs it more than anyone, considering his habbits.
"What was that?" He says smirking at me.
"I said I can't wait to work with you" I lie, flashing an exaggerated smile.
"Mhmm, I meant you when I said 'not all the girls' by the way" he states boldly.
"Thanks for the confirmation" i say sarcastically, rolling my eyes when he sits next to me.
"Why haven't you got with me?" he states bluntly looking into my eyes with his green ones, expecting an answer.
"I have more respect for myself than you'd think" I snap, lying though my teeth. I hate the idea of being in the same boat as all his groupies.
"I respect you, it'll be worth it" he winks with a cheeky smirk across his face as he brushes his knee on mine.

The teacher comes round with a box of demonstrative contraception. Harry grabs the condom straight away ripping it open with his teeth. Miss Brown noticing, her cheeks going red. He knows exactly what he's doing and he loves it. The reaction.
"Okay, since Harry is very eager, let's start with the condoms, Do not use your teeth" she states, earning a laugh from everyone, she also says the last sentence loudly directly to harry, he just shrugs.
"We don't want any holes in them because we don't want any babies".
I swear half of the frat boys have knocked up at least three girls each by now.

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