Chapter 1

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"Has the target been eliminated?"

"Yes, Sir. The body has been removed and the team is now taking the target back to head quarters." I replied.

I watched as they took his body out of the room on the stretcher. They made no time barging into the office once I pulled the trigger.

"Excellent work, Agent Cadwell. That was one of the quickest missions I've ever seen completed. Well done."

"I strive to do my job well, Sir."

"That's what makes you the best. Now get back to headquarters. I have something new that needs to be addressed."

"Of course, Chief Payne. I'll be there soon." I slipped my phone in my pocket as made my way to the door.


As I briskly walked to my car, they were loading his body into the van.

"Good riddance," I thought.

His name was Victor Conally, leader of a human trafficking gang in the Southern California area. He tricked young and vulnerable girls to believe that he could make them rich. Once they get on the plane, they're gone forever, sold into prostitution.

People like him are the reason I do what I do. He's a monster, just like the others, and it's my job to take them down. I passed my training with flying colors, throwing myself into my studies. I wanted to be the best. I had to be the best, or I would let the poor victims of those men down, which is something I couldn't live with. Not after what had happened.

"No, don't think about it...," I told myself. I couldn't help the burn in my throat as tears welled up in my eyes. I quickly wiped them away with the back of my hand.

As I pulled into the parking lot, a took a shaky breath to calm my nerves, and headed inside the immaculate building.

I was so concentrated on the getting inside quickly, I didn't notice the man until it was too late. I crashed right into him, and we both were on the ground.

"I'm so sorry," I muttered over and over again.

I heard no reply as he grunted and lifted himself from the ground. I tried to catch a glimpse of his face, but he was already half way down the block. All I managed to see was some dark curly hair as he rounded the corner.

"Such a gentleman," I thought sarcastically. I brushed the dirt of my slacks as I got up, and headed inside.

I took the elevator up to the top floor, and made my way to Chief Payne's office.

"You wanted to see me, Sir?" I asked as I knocked on his door.

"Yes, Agent Cadwell, I did." He replied. "Have a seat."

I took a seat adjacent his desk, and waited patiently for him to begin.

"We have a new target who is on the top of our list. He's an experienced killer, who was apart of the navy seals special force team. He is apart of an illegal operation, which steals millions from it's clientele. He is highly dangerous and is the CEO of one of the largest companies on the west coast." He paused for a moment, letting me take in the information. "What we need you to do is get inside, find out his weaknesses, and take him down."

"Do you think you are up to this?" He asked me.

"Yes, I can do it." I accepted.

"Okay, we're counting on you."

He handed me a confidential folder from across his desk. It felt pretty light.

"That's all. Thank you, Agent." He dismissed me, and I headed back my own office.

"Here we go," I murmured under my breath. I open the file and read the name printed in bold ink at the top.

Subject: Harold Edward Styles

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 31, 2015 ⏰

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