chapter 2

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Hayyyy there's what Arizona looks like .. ;_; yeah loll back to the story


"Yeah I was smoking a cigarette got a problem"


"No go take a seat by Mr.pottorff over there Sam raise your hand please.." Mrs. Walker said. Sam raised his hand he had a lip piercing and bright red cheeks with black skinny jeans and a black leather jacket with a black tank top. "Hey" I said as I sat down "hey your the girl that took kian to the back of the school? Right?" "Yep that's m-" I got cut off by Mrs.Walker "Why are you talking???!!!!?!" " oh I was talking a bout your husband. How he dumbed you for a slut on October 14 the day before your birthday.." she ran out of the classroom with tears in her eyes I took my spray paint out and wrote "devil broke teacher" on the white board.. then I sat in the chair till 1st period was done then I was off to second period

At second period I saw the one and only kian lawley in the chair in the back of the classroom I sat next to him and said "hey babe " he jumped and I just busted out in laughter "your so easy to scare" I said while laughing. "In your seats now" Mrs.Kingsly yelled. "Damn it's not my fault your child had a miscarriage.!" I yelled she stood there shocked for a minute "how do you know that??" She asked " oh hunny haven't. You heard of me.. I'm the devil I find out every thing..?!" I yelled at her face then she took off running.. "haha TOOO EASY" I said as I took my spray paint out and wrote "devil broke teacher" on the board "nowww if any one of you mother suckers tell on me I will kill you " I said while smirking 3 more periods pasted and. It was time for lunch "yo babe ready to go?" "Yeah one minute" he said while putting his books away.

"Where going to my house so do you have a penny board here" I asked "yeah want to ride them to your house" he said while smirking "yep my house is only 2 blocks away"

-at Arizona's house-

When we got to my house we went straight in. " want to finish" I said while smirking... Danny is out of town for a gang meeting but I couldn't come cause I had school

"Yeah"he said with that he pushed me up to the wall and started to kiss my neck "jump" he whispered in to my ear

With that the nasty happened


What should happen in the next chapter I mean like really I need to have ideas

Kik- Randomthings1995


Instagram- pikachu_bae2

Start wif dem ideas now
Hey guys it's Tori. I am taking over this story and Paige has given me permission. I really hope you guys like what I have in stock for you! Enjoy!

Chapter 3
Arizona's POV
It was night time by now. After it all went down it was sort of a blur, I see Kian just lying there asleep he looked so peaceful, I wanted those lips to touch mine, those perfect, perfect lips. His body made my heart melt it was stunning and beautiful actually. Wait...What? Why was I saying this? I usually don't have that many feelings regarding a guy I just slept with just for fun less than 2 hours ago, actually it's not that weird I mean think about it.Suddenly, everything comes back to me. Everything, the first Kiss, the first touch everything. And it was amazing how vivid it was.

I sigh really loud. A pleasant sigh.

I just layed down and my eyes got heavy, I was exhausted, then it all went black.

I wake up and Kian is gone, it's 10:00 am I wondered where he was, but then I heard something. I get out of bed and I decided to skip school but I needed to get dressed so I get my black punk tee with my black skinny jeans, blood red Van's and a leather jacket. Slip them on and walk out of my room investigating the sound. I make my way downstairs and there he is. Kian.

"Kian?" I say sorta confused
"What's up babe? Have a good night sleep?" He asked in his stern yet gentle voice
"I guess" I mumble
He walks toward me and he kisses me. I hesitate before I kiss him back. He looks into my eyes with his dark brown eyes.

"What's wrong? Do I scare you?" He says with a smirk plastered on his face.

I don't answer. I break into a chain of thought. Why do I feel so.. Different? Why am I hesitating? Do I like him or is it love? I do love him. I just don't want to admit it to myself. But does he feel the same? Uh what the hell am I thinking, he was just doing it for fun.

He was still looking at me with his big brown eyes, he intimidates me, and I fear he knows it.

He kisses me again. But more passionalty. My heart skips a beat. His warm embrace makes me feel like nothing is as good as that moment. I needed to get rid of these feelings. Not because I hated them, but because a devil like me doesn't deserve them... I don't deserve him.

Kian' POV
I woke up this morning feeling a little peaceful. But obviously I don't let it get to me. I see Arizona sleeping her beautiful face looked so peaceful when she sleeps, her lips are a rosy pink... I wished every girl I was with was like that, but she's different. I didn't know why all the sudden I have these feelings, but I sort of don't mind. I put my clothes on from the night before, sneaking out of her room downstairs just to clear my head.

Then I drop a cup off the table. Damn. I hear her door open and there she was. Her beautiful hair looking a blood red and her outfit looked hot on her.

"Kian?" She says I think she was confused I didn't care, all I could think about was her whole body.
"What's up babe? Did you have a good night sleep?" I ask

"I guess" she mumbles. She clenches her fist and closes her eyes as If she's trying to forget something.

I walk over and kiss her, she hesitates and I didn't know why.
"what's wrong? "Do I scare you" I said with a smirk

But she just stops and thinks. I wish I knew what was going on in that head of hers, that's one thing I like about her... She's a mystery. I kiss her again but more passionately. I feel like I love her, but I hardly know her, I guess I'm gonna have to get to know her and I feel her difference from a mile away. And maybe she feels the same way and no matter what I will become a better person for her.

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⏰ Last updated: May 11, 2015 ⏰

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