What Will Barry Do?

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Once upon a time there was a magical unicorn called Barry. Barry was always picked on because his horn did not sparkle as much as his so called ‘friends’ did.

One day he was walking through the magical forest of magical magic and a centaur came up to him and asked him why he looked so lonely and blue. Barry was confused why a centaur approaching him ON A THURSDAY?! He ignored that and started to concentrate on what he was actually saying. Barry carried on walking, since he wasn't prepared to be humiliated by a random stranger, espacialy as his friends do that everyday. The centaur followed. Barry, beginning to panic, picked up his speed. The centaur called out his name… Wait.. His name? How does he know his name… Then he realised…. Barry was wearing a name tag with his name in big letters. That doesnt matter its still weird.

Anyway Barry stopped and asked the centaur " Why are you so interested in my weird non-sparkly life?"

The centaur explained, "Well young Barr.."

"I'm 34." The Centaur was cut of as Barry informed him about his age.

The Centaur stared at Barry with no expression, but carried on, "Well, I could offer you the sparkliest of sparkles, for a small price. Would do you say?"

As soon as he heard the words, Barry wanted his answer to be YES! Just when he was about to open his mouth, he realsied what the Cenataur had said... 'A small price'

Find Out In The Next Chapter What Barry Says And What 'The Small Price' Is..

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