Sparkles? Sparkles

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They had been walking for 37 minutes exactly now. Barry was starting to get slightly concerned, but not so concerned enough to question it. They carried on walking through the magical forest of magical magic, Barry was taking in the scenery and smiling at any cute creatures they came across.
Moments later they arrived at The Centaurs home. It was bigger than Barry had imagined, he stood there in amazement at the golden doorknob, the diamond encrusted curtains and candy layered roof. He was sure enough that this did not look like a usual Centaur house, but He guessed The Centaur must be rich.
The Centaur broke the silence by saying, "So you wanna come in?"

"Uumm sure, is this gunna take long, coz I checked the time and I need to be home to play my daily GTA game?" Barry questioned

"No, the exchange will only take a few moments of your time." The Centaur explained

"Oh Ok, lets do it then" Barry said with excitement in his voice.
They entered the house and The Centaur said, " Please wait here while I go retrieve your sparkles."
The Centaur ascended up the stairs. Barry stood there, not sure what to do with himself, he looked around and admired all the strange artwork that inhabited the walls. Then he heard foot steps and got excited to see The Centaur trotting back down the stairs with something behind his back.
"Ok, so behind my back I hold the sparkles. Would you like to know what I need you to give me in exchange?" The Centaur questioned.
Barry hesitated before saying, "Yeah sure."

"Ok then, in exchange for these sparkles which I hold behind by back is your assistance." The Centaur explained.
"Uumm.. Ok that should be kl. Can I ask what you need m.."
"NO!.. Umm yeah sorry, I cant tell you at the moment, but soon.. Ok?!" The Centaur said as he cut off Barry.
"oh yeah ok then! GIVE ME THE SPARKLES!!" Barry said with the most excitement he's ever had.

"Ok, here you go." The Centaur replied as he ever so carefully placed the sparkliest of sparkles upon Barry's horn. Barry turned 78 degrees to the right and admired his reflection in the mirror and jumped up and down with excitement about his new sparkles.
"Thank you soooo much! I look amazing✨" Barry exclaimed.
"Ok. Your welcome." The Centaur said, "Now get out!.. Please..."
"Ok sure watevs, thanks again." Barry said as he grabbed the door handle.

As he was about to leave The Centaur quickly walked up to him handed him a card and said, " this is my card, I will contact you when you are needed." And he went back into his house.
Barry proceeded to head back to his own home and then later, after his GTA session obviously, show of his new sparkles to his 'friends'.

Find Out In The Next Chapter What The Centaur Wants Barry to do...

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