Orphan Girl

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Then as if it wasn't bad enough suddenly a dozen more statues surrounded me. It was starting to feel like a alien apocalypse. I started walking towards the town. My house is in the woods and is 3-4 miles away from any civilization. In the morning a school bus comes and picks me up to take me to school and that's the only way into town unless you want to walk and right now walking seemed pretty good. As I was starting to walk I heard a twig snap and that wouldn't have scared me if I had started walking but I hadn't yet. I turned around and the statues were closer, some even had there hands down, not covering their eyes. I broke into a run, I sprinted into the woods my legs pounding on the dirt floor running like nothing could ever stop me. Of course I would have to stop eventually but the way i did stop did not occur to me before. Of course I didn't stop because of hunger, or thirst, or pure exhaustion. No of course the way I had to stop was a giant blue flying police box flew right into me and knocked me out.

Orphan girlWhere stories live. Discover now