~Three: Broken Beyond Repair~

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This chapter is dedicated to @Silver_Daffodils  Who never fails to make me smile with her lovely comments! Love u dear! This chapter is a long one!

Happy Reading!

Happy Reading!

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She loved him and still loves him, but he doesn't...

Over, it was over. She rose from the water, picked up a towel and proceeded towards her chamber to be sunken in the deep ocean of serenity, but now that deep ocean wasn't serene for her anymore, neither for Arjun.

She closed her eyes and the demonic silence and hatred prevailed.

She closed her eyes and the demonic silence and hatred prevailed

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Next Morning, Your Author's POV-

The most shocking and heartbreaking news of all was that Subhadra is Six months pregnant.

That was the longest night of her life.

Tears and pain, her 24/7 companions in these twelve years again accompanied her the previous night. They actually never left her, but with Arjun's arrival, she received hopes that now joy and bliss will be her companions, but nothing happened about what she was making castles in the air. The pain just intensified, and about the tears, they were now shed in zillions.

He didn't realize when he dozed off last night, or probably, he just closed his eyes . After all, how could he sleep in peace?

He rubbed his eyes and instantly jumped off that comfy hammock. He was so looking forward to spend beautiful nights with Krishnaa on it, her intoxicating aroma around, drunk on bliss, under the starry sky with fragrant flowers.

Subhadra is Six months pregnant, it was almost an year since their marriage, they stayed in Dwarka for Seven Months as they were newly married and the rituals and functions, then Subhadra is pregnant so she needed to be taken care off, she is very pampered by her family, all of them are going to stay in Indraprastha until Subhadra's son is born.

He was extremely delighted that Subhadra isn't staying with him in his chamber. Kunti Mata, who was completely aware of Draupadi's condition, out of her care and concern for her, took Subhadra to her humble mansion under her watchful eyes, pregnancy is the most delicate state of a woman in motherhood, it would be better if Subhadra would stay in the care of her mother-in-law and her mothers, Rohini and Devaki who were staying with Kunti. 

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