[Ranmaru Kageyama] Normal Mornings ☁️ |1|

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Genre: Fluff! ☁️
Reader: Gender Neutral!
A soft breeze blew through the peaceful room, where two figures were resting peacefully on the large, soft bed. A normal morning for the two of them, waking up besides eachother in their apartment.

One of the figures, with fluffy white hair, which was messier than usual, was staring down at their beloved s/o, trying his best not to move in order to not wake them up from their peaceful state.

Yes, another normal morning for Ranmaru Kageyama, gaining consciousness before the alarm rung, and staring at his lover timidly, not knowing what to do in such a situation. Yet, he truly adored these normal mornings, where he could be comfortable around someone, not being as flustered as he would've been a few months ago.

...Is what he thought, until they opened their eyes. He could never get used to waking up to their gorgeous [e/c] eyes, with such a defenseless gaze. It astonishes him how someone like [Y/N] could fall for a loner like himself. His life was rather boring before fate tied him and [Y/N] together. They began to hang out, a couple days turned into a couple weeks, and a couple weeks to months. Now here they are, staring at eachother awkwardly after waking up.

"Ranmaru... it's 7 in the morning. Why are you already more red than the Netflix symbol." [Y/N] asks, with an unfazed look on their face. They knew the answer, of course. Yet they could never get enough of teasing their shy little Ranmaru every chance that came by.

"I- well... I... uhm..." He panicks in his speech, turning more red by the second. Does [Y/N] enjoy seeing Ranmaru like this? Why don't we let you decide, since you are [Y/N] after all.

"I'm just kidding... lets go back to sleep Ranmaru... I'm not awake yet..." They'd say while dosing off, taking Ranmaru down with them, of course.

Once again, with no way to fight back, Ranmaru accepts his fate and goes back to cuddling with his lover, not like he minds though. It's just another normal morning, where the two of them peacefully doze off again, forgetting about time and their meet-up with friends on that same day.

or to be continued?

Hello! Author here!
I apologize for the short chapter, for I am not the best at writing ^^'
I hope you enjoyed chapter 1, further updates will be quite slow due to my motivation and attention span.
See-ya next time~!

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 24, 2021 ⏰

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