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"You can be so glad that we are friends," Tracey said, looking back at Nomonde as she climbed off of the bus.

"You don't think that I know that? I'm so grateful!"

"Well, we're here. Not much they can do now that we have arrived."

"The bus driver seemed curious. Looking at me the way he did. Then again, maybe he is just suffering from a serious hangover." she said, looking back over her shoulder now. He wasn't looking at her now, instead, his head was slumped over, cradled by his hands as if he was suffering from a terrible headache. She wanted to mention to Tracey, that he didn't look too good, but that would put her at risk of being caught out. The last thing that she wanted was for her studies to be jeopardised by being called in for being on a trip that she had not received permission for.

Maybe he had some kind of bug. Lately, there had been a virus going around, a virus of some sort and many had been hospitalised. A lot of people had been worried but, with the symptoms not seeming too serious, it had not received a lot of attention yet. It was becoming a problem, Nomonde thought, as those people who were admitted to the hospital still had not been discharged. Other than being similar to that of a stomach bug or the common cold, there was no serious symptoms or signs that were really worrying the doctors, or at least that was what they had told the public. It was still very concerning, with up to an average of 50 cases and diagnoses every day for the same thing, it had to be a truly troubling thing that had been happening for the last 5 days.

It's really scary how people go on with their lives, she thought. Something happens to someone else, you shrug, you say 'such a shame' and continue walking. The same thing had been happening with this bug, she thought. Everyone was so busy, so involved with their own worries and life that they couldn't spare much thought. Besides, a lot of things were happening across the world and it didn't bother a lot of people. It was terrifying to think that hurricanes, earthquakes and the like would happen somewhere else and the only thought that the average Joe would have was, "Well, thank heavens we're okay!" or "Pray for so-and-so" being plastered all over their personal social media accounts.

"You are so weird, you know? Going out of your way to come on this trip. You're insane!" Tracey shook her head and let some air out through pursed lips after she had said it. Nomonde wasn't too bothered. She knew that a lot of people wouldn't understand her obsession and she never thought of making them understand. The sun was hot and baking down on the ground. No wonder the bus driver seemed out of it.


"Ready?" Tracey said and adjusted her backpack, having the look of just wanting to get it over and done with.

"Of course!" she replied, but the thought of the bug and the bus driver had still created some worry in her. She was hoping that she wasn't next to be admitted to the hospital. After the long bus ride and a trip into the caves, she seemed at peace and had totally forgotten about the thought of the virus. 

After what seemed to be a time of utter splendour and grandeur she was exhausted in making her way through the entrance, walking towards the light that was the open air of above ground. She had a great time, looking in amazement and awe at the insides of the old caverns. The thick, cool atmosphere enveloping her with every step, the darkness blanketing her skin and sight. A wonderful thing, she had thought, giving her a thrill as she thought about the process of how it formed. She had lost Tracey in the business of it all and was now intently searching for her friend.

"No!" a vivid yell rang out when she came close to the bus. It was a weird yell; one of shock and confusion. One where something is happening to a victim and the victim being rendered speechless, not knowing what to do in the situation. Like shock kicking in and the flight or fight instinct is being processed, not knowing which one would be the better option yet. Nomonde had always been a reactor and as she ran towards the scream that had made her blood curl.

When she came closer, her suspicions about the bus driver had been confirmed. She knew that he was weird and that he was definitely acting weird. He was hanging over a girl in the bus trying to get to her and grope her in broad daylight! It was Tracey! her friend that she had been looking for when she was down in the caves. This sent sparks running through Nomonde's mind. Not only had she had a personal experience with sexual harassment in the past, but she also couldn't stand the thought of anyone else going through it either. Her rage built up inside her and all of a sudden she was on fire, ready to take on the perverted bus driver and kick him off of the Tracey. The bus driver that had been shamelessly throwing his weight onto the girl, had felt nothing and had not budged one bit from her strong leg kicking him from the side. What the hell? What is wrong with this guy? Was he possessed or something?

She grabbed him by the back of his shirt's collar as she claimed onto the bus and started twisting the fabric in her hands, wringing it tight and placing her knee smack in the middle of his shoulder blades as support. That would get him, she thought. If Tracey's attempts to kick him off of her weren't working, there was no way that he would be able to continue with what he had been trying to accomplish with someone taking away his oxygen supply. He gurgled and she - shamefully - felt a surge of satisfaction run through her abdomen. The slimy bastard! When she realised that she had incapacitated him she grabbed at his shoulder, taking his hand to pull at it as he grabbed towards his back. Then she saw it!

There was no life in his pupils. A glassy pane curved over the bend of his eyes and his face was pale with death. There was no indication that what she had tried was working at all, in fact, all that it did was shift the attention from Tracey to herself. Now she had no idea what to do. This man in front of her did not seem like the average pervert, nor did he seem alive. She had not seen many dead people in her life before but she knew what they looked like. There was definitely no mistaking it. He walked strangely towards her as if her movement was his only reason for attraction. What was going on?

She now tried to get up as she had fallen against one of the bus seats when she was backing up. She was scared now, not knowing how to handle the situation. In the past, it was easy to scare predators off. She had always gotten unwanted attention from boys in school and was always judged by her friends for rejecting the odd jock that would approach her every now and then. This led to some forceful encounters that she would rather forget.

She had learned to handle herself but this was different. Usually, her tactics would work, scaring off the pervert in question and making him doubt his actions. They would walk away embarrassed and not knowing how to deal with a loudmouth girl exposing them in broad daylight. Especially in public. However, this was very different indeed. The man had no sense of life in his eyes and her actions had no effect on him whatsoever.

"Stay back!" she said, and now moved closer to the exit. She didn't know if she would make it. He had a vicious look in his eyes, that of a carnivore ready to pounce.

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