6 - 4,000 miles Away

5 0 0

Russia, St. Petersburg

Viktor stared at his window as snowflakes fell from outside. He snuggled his blanket as the cool air got to him.

His dog Makkachin climed up on his window seat and lied down next to him.

Viktor gently rubbed his stomach as he blinked blankly at outside.

It felt nostalgic looking at the snow.

He remembered the 'first' time he met Yuuri..

it was on a snowy day like this one.

He couldn't get Yuuri off his mind ever since he met him..

And now.. their seperated once more..

Victor did have one hope though.. He hoped Yuuri didn't break their promise..

His eyes teared up as he remembered those awful memories and dreams of Yuuri leaving him..

He wiped away his tears and stood up as he took Makkachin in his arms and brought him to bed.

He hugged Makkachin tightly as he whispered..

"I miss you Yuuri... Please.. Come home soon..."

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