buzz buzz bitches - chloé
yOu AlMoSt MaDe Me DrOp My CrOisSaNt - marinette
whyiseverythingchrome - alya
djheadphones - nino
sk8trgirl - alix
genius in everything but slang - max
dare2die - kim
model boi - adrien
goth vampire - juleka
princess peach - rose
Sherlock Holmes - sabrina
stone dude - ivan
stone dude's gf - mylene
liarliarpantsonfire - lila
tomato - nathaniel
class of mcfuckin monkeys - status
buzz buzz bitches - none of your beeswax
yOu AlMoSt MaDe Me DrOp My CrOisSaNt - *cries in clumsy af*
whyiseverythingchrome - w Nino my bf unlike u single Pringles
djheadphones - w als❤
sk8trgirl - skating duh
genius in everything but slang - w markov
dare2die - doing a stupid dare
model boi - being an oblivious sunshine
goth vampire - dying
princess peach - trying to keep jules alive
Sherlock Holmes - hurry up sabrinaaaa
stone dude - sleeping
stone dude's gf - also sleeping
liarliarpantsonfire - idc
tomato - on ft w marc
whyiseverythingchrome: @yOu AlMoSt MaDe Me DrOp My CrOisSaNt the tiktok u sent is funny
sk8trgirl: senditsenditsendit I wanna see it
whyiseverythingchrome: [Description: Sabine: and here we see Marinette in her natural habitat. Shhh don't disturb her.
Nette: *wakes up* *sees camera* *gets up quickly to get camera*
Sabine: run! *slow runs*
Nette: *tried to go after her* trips over blanket* *falls on face*
Sabine: *stifled laughter*
*End of Tiktok*]
sk8trgirl: this is true.
buzz buzz bitches: clumsinette 😝
yOu AlMoSt MaDe Me DrOp My CrOisSaNt: do y'all just not see the time??? its 3 in the mOrNing. MoRnInG!!!!
yOu AlMoSt MaDe Me DrOp My CrOisSaNt: gn
buzz buzz bitches: night bitches
whyiseverythingchrome: good night
sk8trgirl: um aCtUaLly it's not night
yOu AlMoSt MaDe Me DrOp My CrOisSaNt signed off
whyiseverythingchrome signed off
buzz buzz butches signed off
sk8trgirl signed off
Paris and Gotham Lockdown Shenanigans
FanfictionLockdown comes to the world, leaving certain people in Paris and Gotham bored. Shenanigans ensue. - Bio!Dad Bruce Wayne - 13 yr old Damian - Good Chloe - kinda lila redemption??? They don't really care bout her tho - 16 yr old classmates IT'S GONNA...