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"solar pov"

*It's been... 2 days since.. im with moonbyul i can see her in office being mad always mad.. but here she always have soft side why im even blushing when she saying i love u do i love her? Should i trust her?  can i?

S:(Many questions going in my mind.. one thing.. should i trust her?  Im so confused by my act . I love eric i have relationship with him I don't know how im gonna end that to love moonbyul I don't want to hurt him I don't want to hurt anyone in this situation im too dumb)

Mb:ahm(look at her)u okay???

S:(flinch).. u-oh yeah...

Mb:(look at her)(smile)

S:L-lets just.. ahm.. (nervous eyes)

Mb:(smile gently)(rub her hair) i love you

S:... (Smile alittle)(Get the food) let's eat...

Mb:(look at her)yeah let's eat..

S:(Put food in her food)here you go eat well

Mb:(eat happily)join me

Moonbyul pov*

-after hour's of chatting with solar I feel like she's nervous and Not even making eye contact to me...  She's always Looking at wall or something make her busy to just Ignore me i feel hurt. I should give up but why she's giving me this mix signal..

Mb:Hey solar im gonna go now.. Lock all door hmm don't go out...

S:(smile Alittle)y-yes... (get the book)(read)

Mb:(Go to car and drive away)(Overthinking inside)

S:(Look at mb picture)how im gonna pick you... I have .. e-eric Oh my gad(rub my hair)

Mb:(start to work) i only have... 3 weeks (mind)what if.. she choose... Eric.. (tears fall) (Rub my hair)(Stand beside the window of my office)(look around)

S:(suddenly tears fall)... (Confused)(wipe it quickly)why I'm crying..

(Hour past)

Solar pov*
   - eric said we have dinner this night so i prepare
      Well , and i quickly run to bus station and go to    
     Place where eric said and i saw him kissing someone and it was my best friend I quickly run and go back to bench i was devastated

S:(scream hard)Wae!!!!!!!! I FKING LOVED YOU!!!!!

- I quickly run to Road and i feel hit  i tried to stand but my eyes suddenly close

..... I got. Hit and it's not accident.. it's eric plan

(2days past)

- i woke up and look around i saw moonbyul sleeping while holding my hand i stare at her  and i can see. Dry tears in her cheek i feel really bad

S:(rub her hair)


S:hey d-did you eat?



MB:(hug her fast) oh my gad i thought you diee


Mb:you got hittt

S:(remembered the night)... i already break up with him

Mb:.. oh you diddd? (Look like happy rat)

S:(smile)yeah he's cheating..

Guys it's been a while I don't think may mag babasa pa pero thank you and yeah i study that's why nawala ako dito pero... Yeah thank you so much  I think medjo iibahin kotong story natoh so yeah goodnight thanks i will try to update with more and more ! 💕

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 15, 2022 ⏰

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