Abandoned Island (chapter 2)

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- Abandoned Island -
" Huh..?! What on earth!!!!" A shocked Tsubaki exclaims. As Tsubaki thought to himself why on earth such a lustful device was doing out in the open, Kai cluelessly picks it up. " Hmmm, I wonder what this is! Why is it shaped like... a cup holder?- "

" LET GO OF THAT YOU IDIOT, You don't know where it might have been

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" LET GO OF THAT YOU IDIOT, You don't know where it might have been. " Says Tsubaki, sort of disgusted. He snatches the device from Kai's hands, and taking it to the ocean water, rinsing it clean. He checks for batteries, and suprisingly, there's even.. extras???? What in the devil is going on!
Kai looks at Tsubaki, and curiously asks him " Hey, Tsubaki-san, what exactly is that? "
A sly smirk shadows over Tsubakis face. He looks Kai in the eye and tells him "Hey, Kai, want me to show you, how it works?"
" Your kindness is scaring me. But sure I guess... "
Tsubaki throws Kai to a tree, grabbing Kai's small toned waist.
" W-what are you doing?! " Kai exclaims, not knowing that he likes the feeling of such a large hand on his lower waist.
" What? Don't you want to know how it works?"

" I mean...I do! But what's with the current position...? "

" Ha, you'll see, nerd " Tsubaki says, slowly moving his hand down to Kai's thigh. As Kai blushes, he notices something in his pants that's suddenly appeared. Is that... A bulge?!

Writers note: " I'm sorry, but I'm ending this chapter here, I promise to start the more hardcore parts tommorow! "

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