Stagecraft Crew

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Debbie told everyone Blaine hadn't done it on purpose but no one actually believed her. How do you accidentally add someone to a group chat?

You don't.

Blaine hated the stagecraft group he was with right now. Only Debbie managed to keep his temper even. They had planned to take the class together and got lucky enough to be put in the same group this week. They met in Dance 101 with Crazy Cassie for a teacher and have been best friends ever since.

Their professor assigned the group to painting sets for the next week. That was fine with Blaine. He loved painting. It helped him relax after his dance class, which he had right before stagecraft. Sitting on the floor, painting cardboard cutouts? Sign him up.

The rest of his group, not including Debbie of course, wasn't as thrilled. But mostly they were upset that someone else in their class was clearly thriving with this week's assignment.

Catie: hes just so annoying about it

Lucas: I know!!!!! We get it, you're a fashion "icon" 🙄

Marshall: how he'd even get the job at Vogue with those clothes? I'd never hire a fashion disaster like him.

Rebecca: I keep telling y'all, boy's got *cough* connections *cough*

Marshall: literally no one knows what you mean by connections Becky

Debbie: I thought this gc was for class purposes not gossip?

Rebecca: I MEAN how else do you think he got in NYADA in the first place

Blaine: he auditioned?? Like everyone else did.

Lucky Debbie and Blaine had been having a homework session together at her apartment when they started shit talking.

"Boo, it's about your other boo," Debbie had said.

Blaine had just gotten them a snack. His phone buzzing on the coffee table. "What boo?"

Debbie rolled her eyes and started typing.

"You know who."

"Voldemort? I guess he's alright looking, I'm more into guys with noses."

"And pale skin," Debbie teased.

Blaine read through the messages. "I appreciate you trying to get back on topic. This started cause I asked if anyone wanted to join me after class tomorrow to do some extra painting."

"Don't know why you asked," Debbie replied, "you know only you and I will do it."

Blaine shrugged. "It's polite."

Catie: omg Becky!! You can't say shit like that

Lucas: she jst did

Lucas: just

Lucas: JUST****

Lucas: fuck

Rebecca: 💅🏽💅🏽💅🏽

"If I add someone to this group, they can see past messages?"

"Yeah, they can." Debbie smiled.

Blaine knew this was going to cause issues. Major ones. You don't add people to group chats blindly. Specifically, you don't add the person the group chat is talking shit about.

Blaine Anderson has added Kurt Hummel to "Stagecraft Crew"

Now he just has to hope to god, Kurt's got his phone on him and checks his messages before someone removes him.

Marshall: uhhh, tell me that was a mistake

Catie: what???

Catie was always a tad slow.

To Blaine's luck, Kurt does check his phone frequently.

Kurt: 1) Fashion icon may be stretching it but it's something to aspire to 2) it's I do website articles not physical magazine ones, Marshall. I earned that job btw, Isabelle Wright hired me personally 3) The only "connections" I have are to my talent. I know how to work a room, a stage, and a runway. Which is much more than I can say about you, Becky. (I heard your audition was a bit of a spittake) 4) as Blaine pointed out, I auditioned. Sure it was unusual but Madame Tibideaux herself asked me to perform at the Winter Showcase. It was a unanimous decision by the board.

Kurt: oh and one more thing? That's called a clap back.

"Your boy threw hands!!!" Debbie exclaimed.

"Yeah," Blaine agreed, "he did."

Blaine's smiling down at his phone. He knew Kurt was more than capable of fighting his own battles.

Just as he and Debbie were getting back to work, Blaine's phone goes off again.

Kurt: hey, I just wanted to say thanks. You didn't have to show me that

Blaine: I did. I was tried of their shit.

Kurt: I can see why. People love talking about me

Blaine: you're too good that's why. They're afraid they can't beat you

Kurt: ...I don't believe that. I'm not the easiest person to like

Blaine: and I don't believe that. You're too easy to like

To love, he thinks Kurt Hummel would be so easy to fall for if given the chance.

"What's happening on that little screen?" Debbie asked.



"Shush!!" Blaine waved her off. "I think I'm flirting with him."

"You think?" She walked over to his chair and read their exchange over his shoulder. "That's flirting, boo."

Kurt: you're sweet to say that. But thanks again. Those guys are jerks.

Blaine doesn't hear a word of complaint from his group the next day. All sedated from yesterday, he supposed. He knows Kurt's group is responsible for costumes this week. When class ends, he ventured backstage to find him.

Kurt's pinning up a dress.

"Hey," Blaine said.

He looked up. "Oh hi."

"I wanted to ask you something."

"What's up?"

"You have plans Friday?"

"This Friday?" Kurt asked. "I'm pretty sure I'm free."

"Dinner? Movie? Anything we can call a date."

"A date?" Kurt squeaked.

"You're easy to like." Blaine shrugged. "I was telling the truth."

"Me too."


"Me too," Kurt said, louder, "I was telling the truth. You're sweet. I'd love to go out."

Stagecraft CrewWhere stories live. Discover now