The Discovery of the Sheikah Remnants and Discussion before moving.

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(Imagine the shrine a lot more broken down and partially buried in the woods)

It's been a bad day for Izuku Midoriya, first Bakugou, or as he like to call him Bakubitch, burns his arm more that usual for some reason, then as he's leaving the school he gets distracted by a villain attack and during said attack he gets hit in said burn by flying debris. To make things even worse since he has to clean himself up before he gets home to his overprotective mother, and as always he walks through the forest but he took a slightly different path causing him to fall into a pit near a broken down and partially open shrine of sorts.

Now being a curious teenage boy, albeit ridiculously reckless in his curiosity he decides to go in. "What the fuck is this place... I haven't seen anything like this, like ever," Midoriya questions as he walks into the shrine almost tripping a few times over debris and fighting gear.

"What are these symbols? Some kind of cult things?" As he walks around the place he slowly puts things together seeing different text seeming to be ancient Japanese, now although language evolves it really only changes bit by bit, so certain parts of the text helped him understand what they were. "Sheikah... Who were you? Why were you here and why is this place buried like this..."

As Izuku continues on he sees to things that stand out to him the most "Hyrule? Calamity Ganon? What is this place? Who is Ganon and what is Hyrule?" Once Izuku reached the end he finds the last writings on the Sheikah and surprisingly a translation of the Sheikah language to the last version of Japanese before the most modern version.

And so Izuku Midoriya wanting to learn more about these Sheikah, there culture, Hyrule, and whatever Calamity Ganon was took pictures of the writing grabbed the translator and turned to walk out. As Izuku was walking out of the shrine he saw a glowing slab just laying on a strange pedestal and as he walked over to it it popped up and he heard a voice seemingly coming from a type of speaker, which was strange as there were no speakers on anything but the slab, "If you take the Sheikah Slate you will be seen as the heir to the Sheikah tribe... And as the heir you are required to protect to innocents no matter what..."

While Midoriya did panic a bit he understood why, some of the things he read showed they were something akin to silent protectors much like the underground heroes of modern times. Midoriya knowing that and his dream of being a hero reached for the slate and vowed to protect everyone he could. Once again the voice spoke, "I see... I do hope you will uphold your vow..."

Once again Izuku was confused, while it would make sense that he heard from the Slate, the voice sounded like there were speakers all around him. When Midoriya walked out he noticed that only an hour or so passed. "I thought I was in there longer... Odd, well better head home, y'know... So Mom doesn't worry more that she already does, also I need to change the career path on my school sheet. Don't need Bakugou on my ass anymore than he already is"

When he got home he did the usual, nod and smile for his mother, scowling when she said she was going out with Bakugou's mother. "God... I don't get it, how could someone so beautiful and nice like Mitsuki birth a bastard like Katsuki..." Almost Five Minutes later he finally shook the thoughts out of his head and logged into his school profile and changed his career to 'bartender', and for some reason he was unable to change it earlier on in the year.

"Well... At least I was able to change it this time..." After he changed his career path he began to translate the Sheikah writings from there language to Old Japanese, and then once again translated to Modern Japanese. Almost two and a half hours later he had finally translated the story behind Hyrule, how Skyloft was the origin of Zelda, Link, and the Master Sword.

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