bottoms up

11 2 0

a/n - heyo! mr wilby here :)
about this chapter!
theres cigarette use mention, alcohol mention, suicide mention along with gambling (obviously)
but! enjoy the story :)

George stood at the bar, downing yet another shot of whatever the bartender made for him. The glass was pushed to the side, George gulping down another one.
"Tough night?" The bartender asked.
"Yeah, but it's nothing I want to get into. Thanks for the concern though, Alex."
Alex nodded, serving another glass to the brunet. He grew worried, but the drinks barely contained alcohol anyways.
"George. Hey." Alex reached across the bar, putting his hand on the slightly shorter male's shoulder. "I'm right here for you if you need it, ok?"
George nodded.
He didn't think he would be needing his assistance, but it was a nice reassurance. Alex nodded a little back, splitting his focus on his job and his friend.
"Thanks for the drinks, Alex." George slid two 20 dollar bills on the counter, Alex slowly retrieving them as he nodded and continued cleaning the shot glasses. George stood up, glancing around the casino to see if anything interesting was going on. He decided on heading to a game of roulette. As he approached, he could hear the rowdy boys whooping and laughing drunkenly. "Oh boy.." He sighed to himself, resting his hands on the edge of the table as he approached it. All the people at the table suddenly went silent.
"You guys good?" George questioned.
They all nodded, their emotion slowly coming back.
"Perfect. Let's start the game, shall we?"
The boys whooped, clapping and cheering. They all placed their bets as the roulette spun, landing on (coincidentally) George's exact bet. "Red 26, lucky me."
The males at the table groaned, cursing George's name.
"Bastard rigged the shit."
"Of course he did, fuckin' scumbag."
"You're shit, George!"
Two guys approached George, both taller and definitely more drunk.
"Fellas, hey, we can work this out, yeah?" George chuckled, messing with his hair as a distraction. The two guys looked at each other and then looked back at George, sighing. They walked away, heading back to wherever they'd come from. George rolled up his sleeve, checking his watch.


He glanced around, walking over to the diner and taking a seat in one of the empty booths. A tall blond approached him in a red apron, black undershirt, jeans, and Vans. George looked up at the man.
"Hello, sir. I'm Dream, and I'll be taking your order." George chuckled.
"Oh, uh, I'm not here to eat or anything. I'm just not in the mood for much."
Dream nodded. "Well, would you like to talk about it?"
George thought about it for a little.
What have I got to lose anyways?
"Yeah, sure. I just recently broke up with my partner that I'd been with for a year."
Dream stared blankly.
"I'm sorry. I know how that feels."
"Sure you do. I was so close to him, too. I never knew he felt that way until one day I woke up and all that was left of him was a note on the kitchen table."
Dream nodded.
"I wish he would have told me sooner, you know? He was a great guy and an even better boyfriend."
Dream continued with his nodding.
"I know we haven't known each other long, but maybe we could go do something tomorrow?"
Dream smiled. "Sure, I'd love to. Can I get your number?"
George opened his mouth, but no words came out. Is that all he came over here for? Just to hit on him?
"Shit, I'm sorry, I meant so we can communicate further. Context would have been great, sorry." Dream looked down at his dirty Vans, half disappointed half embarrassed. 
George sighed in relief. "Yeah, I can do that." George handed over his phone to the blond male, watching him type in his phone number. "Perfect. You should be able to reach me at all times now. I'm always here for you." Dream smiled warmly, patting George on the shoulder. Dream had begun to get up so he could take other orders, but George grabbed his arm.
"Would you wanna maybe.. grab drinks and play a game or two?"
Dream chuckled.
"I'd love to, but I have to work."
George sighed. He couldn't believe was he was going to say.
"I own this establishment. I can give you the pay if you come with me and just keep me distracted."
"Sure. I can do that. Should I change?"
George nodded.
Dream took his apron off, heading over to the counter and putting his apron in his backpack.
George chuckled. "Such an elegant process, may I say."
The two boys headed over to the bar, Alex greeting George and waving at Dream.
Alex leaned over the counter and murmured something to George. George shook his head and then murmured something back.
"Sorry Dream."
"It's ok. Who's this?" He pointed to Alex, who was currently filling up two full glasses of George's usual.
"That's Alex. He goes by 'Big Q' here, but you can just call him Alex."
Alex waved. "Heyo. Can I getcha something?" George saw the glasses being filled, so he figured the comment was towards Dream.
"I'm ok, thanks."
"You sure?"
"Yeah, I'm sure."
"Suit yourself."
Alex, forgetting George was a lightweight, served him the two majorly alcoholic beverages. He looked Dream up and down, taking note of all his features.
George was chugging the drinks while Dream was anxiously sitting there. Alex gave Dream a glass of water.
"Here, you're shaking."
"Oh. Thanks."
Dream softly sipped the water, setting it down rather quickly. George slammed the last glass on the table.
"Rrrecord!" George's words slurred, George already starting to feel the effects of the two large glasses he just drank.
"Alex.. is he?"
"Shit. He is."
Dream took note that George was a lightweight. It wasn't surprising due to his small build, but he didn't know the effects would kick in that early. George chuckled, grabbing Dream's hand and dragging him over to the pool tables.

"Letssss play Ssssticks!" George wielded the cue like a sword, taking little stabs at Dream.
"George, no-" Dream was cut off by George hitting him in the side. "Gggggotcha!!" He slurred, walking funky. (funky fresh) Dream coughed a little as he removed the pool cue from George's hand. "No. Let's go do something else, huh?" Dream dragged George along to a karaoke station, smiling. It hadn't been long since Dream worked here, but he knew George usually spent his nights either running the karaoke station or absolutely dominating it.
"Yesss.. Kkkaraokeee.." George stumbled up to the mic, Dream choosing the song 'Heat Waves - Stripped Back' by Glass Animals.
"Mmmy favorite..!" George yelped.
Dream chuckled. He'd known that was his favorite. After all, that was the first and last song he sang at this station every night.

The song started, Dream standing in front of the stage George was on.

Usually I'd put something on TV, so we never think about you and me..

George's words caressed Dream,
mesmerized by every lyric that came from his lips.

You can't fight it, you can't breathe
You say something, so loving, but
Now I gotta let you go..
You'd be better off with someone new.

Dream's sorrowed eyes looked at George's, thinking of his old partner.

I don't wanna be alone,
You know it hurts me too.
You look so broken when you cry,
One more and then I'll say goodbye

George looked at Dream, noticing the tears starting to form below his eyes. Why was that?

The song finished, George nearly passing out a couple times. "Ddddreamm.. why sad..??" Asked George as Dream escorted him to his car, attempting to drive him home. He couldn't let him go unattended.
"Huh? What?"
"Whhhy so saaddd?"
Dream looked at the drunk brunet, buckling him in the passenger seat.
"I don't really know, George."
"I'm sssssorry.."
"It's ok."
Dream rushed back inside to grab his bag. Alex stopped him at the counter.
"Where are you taking him?"
"His home?"
"Ok. I'll be tracking his phone. You better not pull some funny shit."
Dream's lifeless seeming eyes stared at Alex as he made the statement,
"I would never fucking hurt him."
Alex nodded, letting him go. Dream rushed back to the car, hopping in the drivers seat with an already sleepy George in the passenger seat. George was asleep by the time Dream started the car. Dream grabbed George's phone out of his pocket, using George's fingerprint to unlock it. Dream clicked on Maps and clicked on Home.

As Dream arrived at George's house, he grabbed his bag, George's phone, and George himself out of the car and carried them all inside. He set his bag down on the counter, taking George to the bedroom. Dream set George in bed, sitting beside him to the left just to make sure if he woke up that he could help him to the bathroom. He's going to have a nasty hangover. Dream was slightly sat up in the bed next to George, George's head finding it's way onto Dream's chest and his arms around his waist.

Should I..?

Dream contemplated moving him off, but it's not like he didn't like this. He rested his head on George's, slowly falling asleep.

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