Chapter 8

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-a few moments later-
-kaku, bakugou, and deku were all sitting with aaron-
-aaron was confused-
Aaron: You want me to do what?
Deku: Look into our future
Aaron: Why?
Baku: Because we are all seeing the same dream... just from different viewpoints...
Deku: I'm always on the ground, seeing a shadow girl.
Kaku: I'm tied against my will watching mom die and a shadow girl hovers over her...
Baku: I'm fighting icy hot and I see the shadow girl in the background...
Aaron: So this shadowed girl keeps appearing?
Deku: Yes...
Aaron: Well there is not much i can do... remember i can see someone's PAST.... Not their future.. I'm sorry middi...
Baku: Middi?
Deku: He called me middi... well thanks anyways aaron..
Aaron: I'm sorry i couldn't help
Deku: That's ok... let's go guys...
-the three of them get back to UA-
Baku: So... what do we do now...
Deku: I guess we have to go to the source...
Kaku: Nuh uh... NO WAY... i aint going back there
Baku: What are you insisting, deku?
Deku: .... We are going to get todoroki...
-the three go to the LOV base-
-midoriya was hesitant to knock-
-kaku was ready to fight-
-and bakugou was just there-
-deku knocks-
-dabi answers, surprised-
DaBEE: Huh?!
Baku: We need a word with your damn brother...
DaBEE: I'll... uh... get him....
-dabi goes to get todoroki-
-he comes to the door confused-
Todo: You came here for me~
Deku: I'm not here for you're dumb shit... we just have a question...
Todo: Ask away...
Baku: Do you know any girls... like ones with long blond hair..
Todo: I have never seen Toga with her hair down... so i guess not...
Deku: We've been getting dreams... visions... shit like that... and it involves a blond girl... and you're there too
Todo: Like I said... I have no clue what you're talking about...
Kaku: K, now can we go...
Deku: Sure...
-the three sit outside at the park-
Baku: So what now?
Deku: I don't know
Kaku: There's gotta be something behind it all...
Deku: Besides the fact there is a blonde girl...
Baku: Maybe something we have to wait for... in the future...
Deku: Hmm... I guess so...
-kaku looks at the flowers in front of them-
-green, orange, mint, and coral flowers-
Kaku💭: Mom... Dad.... Me... and... who is... coral?
Deku: The flowers are pretty!
Baku: Agree...
Kaku💭: i feel like i've seen this before... but where?
-kaku picks up one of the coral flowers-
-he looks at it with a questioning and confusing sensation-
Kaku: Hmm..
Deku: You ok sweetie?
Kaku: Yeah... i'm fine
-he drops the flower-
-the time being, the dreams got worse-
-all of them couldnt understand what they were-

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