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Nightshade woke up, and there was a wolf in front of him. "Get off skypacks hunting grounds!" she growled. "Why, I am hungry and I barely eat anything," he pleaded. "Come on !" She said. "If you can catch three deer I guess you can stay, hurricane will be pleased." She sighed. "Fine, anyway when will we  there, what is it like...?" She growled, "It's threw here, and it's fun I guess it has more freedom than other clans, but it has a thing on betrayal." She replied. They walked threw some passagways, and then they arrived. Nightshade saw a huge wolf ' must be the leader ' he thought. "Hey, what's up, I'm Nightshade!"

(Nightshade's pov )

"Hey what's up, I'm Nightshade!" I greeted."Dont speak that way to our leader, hurricane. The female wolf yelled.
"I know who you are" my tail pointed to hurricane "but what's your name?" It is    Sawtooth shouldn't you be apologizing?" She said bitter sweetly. "He don't seem to mind, beside-" I was suddenly stopped by yelling. "SAWTOOTH GET OVER YOUR SELF! NOW WHO IS THIS NIGHTSHADE, AND WHY IS HE HERE!" I flinched "Gosh!" I said out loud. They turned their heads to me. "Uh huh..." She kept on talking while I went to get some deer.  I saw a doe and a buck, I smiled. I climbed and jumped on the doe's back breaking its spine, I jumped to another tree then I violently broke the buck's  back. I did all this then pulled them back to where hurricane and sawtooth were. Sawtooth was panicking, while hurricane was looking around, trying to spot me I laughed too loudly. They saw me. "How, when did you leave how did you do that so fast!?" I smirked,"Just all in a day's work." "Where is the other deer, go get one now, wait let me watch you." He commanded. 'He is going from astonishment, to commanding' I thought." If you can keep up" I said, and started from a pace to a run. I looked around for ten minutes, hurricane closely behind me. I then spotted the biggest buck I have ever seen. I waited and jumped on its back, it didn't flinch! I scratched its face with my claws, and I bit deep into its neck and blocked its air. It bucked me off. I coughed up blood. It kicked with its hooves. Hurricane was gonna come in, but I stood up shaking. "My poor deer don't think it's that easy!"my eyes turned bright red. With immense force I tore its eye out, maybe even scratching its brain. I blocked its air and ended it quickly. My eyes faded back to blue. Hurricane came up to me with wide eyes. I coughed up a little more blood. "Are you ok, I'm sorry two deer were enough, you are a brave one, I will give you that."  I just nodded, sawtooth saw us, she came up to me. "Are you ok..?!" "Yeah, I'm fine." I mumbled. I gave her the deer "Oh... thank you, so much..!!" I nodded again.

(Hurricane's pov )

I went up to Nightshade "We would be honored if you would join sky pack, we need more like you!?"
"Umm, can I think about it?" He stammered. I usually would get onto him but not this time.

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