- Chapter One -

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“WHHOOOO LETS GO, SETH!!” I yelled from the bleachers. My boyfriend just scored a touchdown and broke the tie in the football game.

My eyes scanned all the screaming highscoolers cheering for our team. My eyes met the green orbs or the new exchange student from England. He's kind of beautiful. Those brown curls are mesmerizing.

I didn't realize how long I was staring at him until my best friend screamed in my ear. “Ashley, why are you staring at that British kid?”

“I- I wasn't. I was just looking around.” I lied.

“Mhm, sure.” I knew she didn't believe me. Brianna is my bestfriend and can always tell when I'm lying or telling the truth.

I went back to focusing on the game. The players ran down the field tackling each other. I don't really understand football. It seems stupid to me. A bunch of boys running around while passing and odd shaped object around. I only pretend I like it because Seth is the quarterback. And he looks hot in his uniform, super sexy. Him and I are the perfect couple. I'm the most popular girl and he's the quarterback. We're the couple everyone’s jealous of.

“What do you think about the exchange student.” I ask Brianna.

She looks confused that I'm asking her that but she answers anyways. “Uhh, he's got pretty good looks. Do you think he's cute?”

“No.” I quickly retort. “I love Seth.” I tell her. I mean I think I do. Don't get me wrong, I want to love him, I just don't see us going anywhere. Sometimes I wonder why we're even together if all he cares about is football. We barely even spend any time together and when we do, all he wants to do is talk about football of Call of Duty.

“Good. You and Seth are meant to be.” She replied.


“Good job, Babe!” I said as I embraced Seth in a hug. Our team had just one the football game, not that I cared but I had to pretend for Seth. We seperaed and I coungradulaed him once again and he pulled me into another hug, suffocating me. “I. Can't. Breathe.” I managed to get before he let go of me.

“Sorry, Ash.” I had to hold myself back from rolling my eyes, I hate being called Ash. That's what my dad called me. “It's fine.” I assure him.

“You are such a good player. I'm so lucky to have a boyfriend like you!”

“The only reason I play so well is because you are cheering me on from the bleachers! But you know, I bet I would play even better if you were a cheerleader.” He tells me.

I laugh at this idea. He always tries to get me to be a cheerleader. “I am way too clumsy and uncoordinated for that.” I inform him.

“It's okay, you look hot without a cheerleader outfit on anyways.” He says.

I see that green eyed exchange student walking past us rolling his eyes. What's his problem? I shrugged it off and turned my attention back to Seth. He was sweaty and gross, but I ignored it and kissed him on the cheek. “Let's go, Ashley.” He says and we walk over to his truck. I stood by the truck waiting for Seth to open up the car door for me.

“Ashley, what the hell are you doing? Get in the car.”

“Well I thought maybe you would open the door for me like a real gentlemen.” I snap at him.

“Well I'm not so just get in.”

I get in the car and buckle seatbelt.

“Why are you so mad? You just won the football game!” I say as he starts to drive.

“Because sometimes you are just so stupid, Ashley!”

“I'm stupid? You're the stupid one.”

“All you care about is shopping and your friends.”

“I would care more about you if you cared about me, but no. All you care about is stupid football!” I yell at him.

“What did you just say?” He questions me.

“I said football is stupid.”

“Get out.”

“What? No!” I protest.

“Ashley... get out of the car.”

I don't move so Seth decides to reach over, unbuckle me, open up the car door and push me out of the truck. Luckily he had pulled over a little bit because I landed on the grass. But still, that was so wrong of him. My clothes are dirty, my makeups running down my face and if anyone sees me like this, it could be bad for my reputation. I got up and started to walk. It's dark out and it's pretty cold too. I start to walk faster when I notice a black car following me. It has tinted windows so I can't tell who's driving so I get even more freaked out. The car pulls over so it's right next to me and it slows down so it's driving the pace I'm walking at. I've already had the worst night, I don't want to get raped or something like that. The window rolls down and I see that British kid. Great. He is going to tell everyone and my life will be over. I try to keep my head down so maybe he won't realize it's me.

“Ashley? My name's Harry we go to school together.” Oh, so his name is Harry.

“Yeah?” I respond.

“Get in, you shouldn't be walking around by yourself at night.”

“What do you care?”

“I don't want anything bad to happen to you.”

“Why? You don't even know me.”

“That's true, but I know of you, and I'm nice so get in the car.” The car stops completely and I hear a click, indicating Harry unlocked the door. I finally give in and open up the door to the passenger side and got in. 1

“So aren't you supposed to be with your quarterback boyfriend? You guys seem like the perfect couple.” He says in a sarcastic tone.

“Well he's not really my boyfriend anymore.” I sigh.

“Sorry to hear that, babe.”

“Do all British boys flirt this much? I just told you I broke with my boyfriend five seconds ago and you're already hitting on me.” He chuckles a little bit.

“Tell me where you live so I can take you home.” He replies.

“Home is the last place I want to be right now.” I mumble.

“Why?” He asks.

“Long story.”

“I've got the time.” He says while pulling into a Mcdonald's parking lot.

“You want me to tell you my family issues over fast food?” I ask in disbelief while shaking my head at him.

“Well I would take you to a fancy restaurant but I think it's way too early in our relationship for that.” He jokes and I smile creeps up on my face.

“If I do tell you all my problems, promise not to tell anyone?” I ask.

“I promise.” He says as we both get out the car and start walking towards the Mcdonald's door. 

Nothing Else Matters | A Harry Styles AU Love Story |Where stories live. Discover now