The new girl

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* Clarke's POV*
Octavia:bell come here on sec
Octavia :there's someone I'd like you to meet, this is Clarke Griffin
Clarke: Nice to meet you Bellamy
Him :Nice to meet you
Clarke: O can I come over your house since its Friday
O : sure but you have to ask bell
Clarke : O ,OK I'll be back let me ask him
A while ago Bellamy walked off so I decided to follow him
Me: Bellamy * I half scream*
Bellamy: what's up princess
* he says with a smirk * i blushed from the nickname he gave me wow why does he have to be so attractive
Bellamy: I'm waiting
Me: umm yea can I come to you house today but I have no ride so can you drive me
Bellamy: Sure princess
I blush again why can can he make me blush so easily
Bellamy: you know you blush a lot
Me: yea I kind of figured that out a while ago
Bellamy: I guess u have that effect on you princess
*Bellamy whispers against her skin*
Clarke felt chills go down her back, her heart speed up and her hands become sweaty
O: Clarke , Bellamy come on before you guys be late , bye bell
Bellamy: bye O , bye princess
I tried to hide my smile and yelled: goodbye Bellamy
O: what were you guys talking about , I saw him whisper in your ear *Octavia said grinning*
Me: he kept calling me princess and I guess I blushed at that and he said you know you blush a lot and I said I think I notice that and he whispered I guess I have that affect on you princess
O: Wow bellarke would be so cute
O:Bellamy and Clarke
I blushed and laughed

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 01, 2015 ⏰

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