Chapter 14

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Stella looked at her rekindled friend. She was just trying to catch up on what was going on. Ryan and Thea? They sat on Thea's bed eating the Turkish delight that she had brought over.
"What happened between you two, then?"
Thea thought there may have been a hint of jealousy in her tone. Friends or not, Stella was too transparent.
"I wish I could say more happened then it did."
"You slept together, what do you mean?"
"That's just the thing," said Thea. "We didn't."
Stella didn't even try to hide the fact that she was more surprised now.
"Then what happened?"
"We just made out, like a lot, and went back to his place, had a few drinks and he dropped me home." Thea shrugged, it was all too simple really. Part of her was relieved that they didn't go all the way and part of her wished she did in order to belong to someone else, not to him.
"Wow, Thea, I honestly don't know what to say."
"Then don't say anything."
"How long are you staying here for, or are you moving back altogether? It would be good to have you stay."
"I know. For what it's worth, I have missed our friendship, Stelly. Part of me wants to stay here and just live life like it was three years ago, before everything went wrong, but I know I have to go back, that's where my life is. The café is not going to hold my position unless I go back by next week. That has pretty much decided it all for me."
Stella nodded, and shifted closer to her.
"You're a traveler, you always have been. What happened to all that painting you used to do, all those drawings?" She gestured to the pictures on her wall. She had a talent for it and enjoyed art at school. It was a portrait of her sister, it hung above her bed. It made her sore to look at it sometimes.
"I don't know. I was meant to buy more pencils before I moved and then I didn't and then life continued and I found myself not drawing anymore." She didn't really know why she stopped. She was the best in her class at school, and she missed it now that she thought about it.
"You should start drawing again. Honestly, Thea, you have so much to give in your life right now, don't let some guy ruin that."
"Yeah..." she contemplated what her friend was saying for a little while. "Come and help me pack, will you?"


The door bell sounded and Thea tried not to hope that Benedict was at the door. When she opened it Ryan was there.
"Ryan, what are you doing here?" He swayed at her and then lurched at her. Thea stepped back but he kept coming toward her.
"Ryan, shouldn't we at least talk about what happened the other night?"
"I don't wanna talk," he slurred. He grabbed at her shirt and she tried to pull away. "I wanna finish what we started."
She could smell the drink on his breath and she became afraid, although she knew she shouldn't have been, it was only Ryan after all, but knowing his history she was cautious in his presence. She had behaved irrationally with him and she was ashamed of it. Something had changed in her since the other night, she had begun to think about painting again and had realised that Ben inspired her every day. No matter how much she tried she could not deny the fact that she was still not over him. She had tried so hard to run from the truth but she was only beginning to realise that she hadn't moved an inch. It was like a bad dream where she was stuck and couldn't run from her predator.
"Ryan, you're drunk. I don't want this."
"You don't have a choice." His hands found her waist and he pulled at her top, his hands travelling up her body, she gave a cry of helplessness, and then slapped him hard across the face. He recoiled, but his expression that was once filled with desire was now filled with anger. She cowered in his presence, and wished that Stella was still here. Now it was just her and Ryan.
"Ryan! Stop!"
He did, if just for a moment.
"I thought you loved me." An unfamiliar expression crossed his face, and she was lost, she didn't know what to do. He was unpredictable in this state, and she felt unsafe.
"Say it, say you love me." His eyes pleaded with her.
"Say it!" he begged.
"I can't, Ryan, because it isn't true." She felt horrible for saying it but she was no liar. "I'm sorry... I would also be betraying my dear friend who cares for you more than anyone in the world."
"Stella? No, no, no. Thea, I'm in love with you, and what? You're going to walk away from me for some guy who left you and won't come back? He's gone, Thea."
She felt something pulse in her head, anger, pure anger.
"Shut up. Shut up!" She shoved him, and he grabbed her wrists.
"So," he whispered in her ear, "What are you going to do about it?"
"I think you should leave," she seethed. He let go of her, and she went to open the door for him. He did not leave. He grabbed her more aggressively this time and pressed her against the wall, his hands were on her body and she couldn't stop him.
"Ryan! Stop, please..." she cried out. In a moment he was off her and thrown across the other side of the room. Ben? It wasn't him, it was Toby. He threw Ryan like he was made of nothing but cardboard and he slumped against the wall, too light headed to stay standing.
"You stay the hell away from her you bastard!"
Thea sank to the ground, she had used all of her energy to fight him off her, and she couldn't  be more grateful for Toby's presence.
"Are you alright? Did you touch you?"
She shook her head and he breathed a sigh of relief. Maybe she had misjudged him, maybe he really did care for her sister and seeing him here right now she believed it.
"I'm so sorry, Toby, I'm really sorry." She didn't know why but she started to cry, and he gently picked her up and directed her to the lounge. Ryan was gone now and it was just the two of them.
"Hey, it's alright, Teddy, I knew you'd come around. I know I probably looked like a douche to you, but please believe me when I say that I really did care for your sister and I care for you too, you're like a sister to me."
She smiled, she had always secretly wanted a brother, so she was happy to hear it.
"I believe you, Toby, I really do. The way you behaved tonight just proves it, I trust you."
It was his turn to smile now and she gave him an affectionate hug.
"You have no idea how much I was hoping you would say that." He sighed in relief and Thea managed a slight laugh.
"Do you want to come to Paris with me?"
His eyes bulged and he looked left and right to make sure she was talking to him.
"You mean me? Will I go to Paris with you? Hell, yes! I've always wanted to see the Eiffel Tower."
She laughed a genuine laugh this time, and he joined in. "You have to pay for my plane ticket, though." She shoved him and he poked her. As if. She would leave him behind for all she cared, he could pay for his own ticket, he was loaded. "Just kidding, I've gotta go pack."
"Good, we're leaving at six."

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