Chapter 1

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He was beautiful. The definition of someone who is broken but yet so ethereal and beautiful. Someone who deserves nothing but happiness.

Zeke, that is what people call him. What his friends call him.

What they don't know is that we know each other only during the night. Only when he comes through my window and I clean his wounds.

Only then do we connect, now at school he calls me names. Breaking me more each day.

He's cold yet warm. He's mean yet sweet. His emotions are everywhere but that is what makes him beautiful.

His mind is a powerful thing it will be the thing that makes him succeed in life.

I smile as I watch him laugh with his friends before I head to class.

Maybe soon someone will notice me, notice that my mind is hell and it's slowly eating me away.

Hopefully it isn't too late for me to be saved. Yet that's so far of a stretch to reach some sort of happiness.

I don't deserve it, I don't.

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