Fresh Start

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Monday Morning. I'll never be able to forget this sluggish feeling at the start of the week. I usually sleep in on slow days like this but a certain someone just had to drag me out of bed.

"Hey come on! We don't have all day here!"

This parasite I can't get rid of, it's name is Calista Kaslana.

"C'mon Mari! The sale's gonna end soon!"

Oh right. Forgot to introduce myself. I'm Mari Sakata. I get told often it's a girl's name, but I try not to let it get to me.

"What is it you want so desperately here?"

"It's a surprise!" Calista responds joyfully.

"Just hurry this up I have better things to do." I say boringly.

"Like what, sleep in?"

"No... like.. watch sports or... something. I just wanna go home, okay."

"Face it, you're a loser with nothing to do so just hang out with me okay?"

If you can't tell already, this girl really gets on my nerves. Like REALLY gets on my nerves.
Luckily, at times like this I always bring my phone with me to chat with an online friend of mine. They supposedly live in America so I highly doubt I'll ever see them in person. We usually chat about this game we play together: Shadow's Bane. It's this really cool dungeon crawler where you get to use your dark or light powers, depending on your deeds done in the game. Oh and you can also recruit-

"Hey whatcha doing there?"

Calista snaps me out of my daydreaming.

"Oh uh.. sorry."

"You've been off today. Like, something's wrong with you."

"Yeah that's probably because I don't want to be with you right now."

"Aww, it thinks it had free will!"

"I'm going home."

"Wait! I was only joking!"

I begin to march my way home only to run into more.... Friends. Or should I say acquaintances? They're more of Calista's friends than mine. I think their names are... Theo and...... Patrice I think.

"How do you.... Run... so... fast..."

Calista catches up in pure exhaustion.

"Oh, hey guys... what're... you doing here?"

"Oh we just came to shop together." Theo says happily. Almost too happily.

"What a coincidence! That's just what me and Mari were doing here before he decided to run off."

"I never agreed to shop at all with you."

After some pointless dialogue we part ways with Theo and Patrice. As I watch them head off I notice something strange in my pocket. I reach in and pull it out and it seems to be a red and black... pin? One of those two must've snuck that in there.

"Hm? What's this?"

As if on cue, Calista pulls out a pin similar to mine from her skirt pocket.

"That's pretty weird, I don't recall getting this." She says with confusion.

"Same here."

Suddenly, I feel dizzy, and begin to wobble over.

"Woah! Are you okay?" Calista asks worryingly.

"Just peachy." I reply.

As I say this I fall onto a man by accident. Or, that's what should have happened. Instead I just... fell right through him!

"What the hell!?" I instantly jump up in shock.

I go to touch another person to see if the same result would happen and sure enough, it did.

"That's kinda cool." Calista says.

"No it's not! I'm phasing through people!"

I begin to become light headed and fall to my knees. Moments later, I pass out.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 25, 2021 ⏰

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