fanboy of all fanboys

21 1 0

Licorice cookie. Whaddya expect?
1. Dark Enchantress' biggest fan

2. A love/hate relationship with Pomegranate

3. Mushroom's big reliable brother (brother figure basically)

4. The only cookie Dark Choco swears not to kill but still wants kill him

5. Nerd energy. Just that. Or maybe a theater kid on coke energy

6. Red Velvet's best friend

7. Walks the cake hounds when RV is away or training the older cakes

8. Tries to impress Dark Enchantress by proving that he can be reliable too and not just the other dark cookies

9. Writes in a diary. Mostly evil spells he wants to remember/memorize but he mostly writes about the bad stuff that happened to other cookies that makes him happy about himself.

10. Secretly eats Mushroom's mushrooms every once in a while.



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