chapter 2pac

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  The awkward silence after the kiss was loud

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  The awkward silence after the kiss was loud. We both looked everywhere except each other. Not only was I embarrassed but also scared to look at her disfigured face. I lost all confidence I had when I was having a make-out session with her.

  I coughed to break the silence and her eyes met mine as I caught her attention.

  The eyes of the dead is expected to be lifeless and dull but hers were somehow shining and hopeful...but hopeful for what?

  "Uh, um! Goodbye!" She bid me goodbye out of the blue.

  She vanished into the abyss and it left my jaw dropping. As of expected, I was confused. I sighed and went to take a shower to cool off my head but before that, I went to check the clock hanging on my wall. It was 6 in the morning. I remembered that that day was my workday.

  I thought showering would cool my head off but it did nothing. I could not stop thinking about the kiss. I thought of rinsing my mouth with water since I was worried that I could have digested dirt but the way her lips felt on mine made me forget about it.

  I brushed my teeth and put on my ironed clothes. I left my house and went to work without much thought.

  Well, other than the kiss. The kiss that happened that morning. The kiss that felt like heaven. The kiss that was given by a certain type of ghost-

  "Siti! How many times must I call your name to get your attention?!"

  I snapped out of my thoughts and realised that I was currently at a meeting. My boss was calling my name repeatedly to get my attention but I was too busy daydreaming about the kiss. She rubbed her temples and sighed, then continued with the meeting, but this time visibly annoyed.

  When the meeting ended, I was called out to stay behind by my boss. Nervously, I complied as I knew it would be even worse to disregard orders from my boss. I sat down on the swivel, staring down at my legs with no other thoughts in my head other than trouble.

  "Siti, look at me. I'm not gonna scold you."

  Wait, what? Why would I have to stay behind other than to get berated. Well, maybe there is plenty of other reasons but considering my daydreaming from before, what other reason could there be?

  Slowly, I raised my head and made eye contact with her for a minute. She looked into my eyes with concern behind them. What is she so concerned about?

  "Siti, is everything okay? You're usually always attentive during my meetings. Did something happen recently that bothered you? I'm all ears, y'know."

  I paused for a while to comprehend what was going on. A lot of questions appeared due to that one dialogue. Like for one, should I tell her? I mean, with the things that happened last night, I might go insane having to keep that to myself. But, would she even believe me? I really doubt it.


  "Don't say a word."

  "Nothing, nothing's going on right now."

  Wait, what!? Who's voice was that and why did I even follow through with their orders? Just what is going on...

  "Oh...Okay then. But remember, if something's troubling you, don't be afraid to consult with me. I'm here for you after all."

  Weird way to phrase it but I am sure she is just concerned for her employee. With the 'discussion' over, I was excused from the meeting room and left to continue with my other work. But before leaving, she grabbed my hand and turned me around.

  "Would you like to have dinner together after this?"

  I agreed after thinking briefly. I am certain that there would be nothing wrong with having dinner with my boss.

∠( ᐛ 」∠)_

Sorry for not uploading for like idk a year prolly. And with a short update at that (╥﹏╥). I'll try to be more motivated to update and also more longer chapters. Also forgot to add but this story is ib random tiktoker having a dream abt kissing the pontianak or something i forgot(×﹏×). Also, despite being asean and having heard plenty of stories about the infamous cik pon, I don't really know the characteristics of a ponti...other than the obvious one that it's haunting. So, this cik ponti will be a rather cutely desperate for love type of ponti. That's all, have a great day gays <3

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 24, 2022 ⏰

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