Nightmares and Tombstones

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I was sat on the floor, hugging my knees tightly. I was shivering, beads of sweat running down my forehead. I loosened up slightly, and moved my legs away from my face. As I slowly stood up, I tried to take in as much of the environment as I could. It looked like I was inside a cloud. Everything around me looked white and foggy. 

Was I dead? I took a few steps forewords and saw a faint outline in the fog in front of me. It seemed like a group of people. As I got closer to it, I saw what it was. Four people. A man, a little girl, and two older girls, 13 years old tops. Around them, the giggles of the little one echoed. They waved, but didn't notice when I headed past them. 

I saw another silhouette further away. But this one was different. It wasn't a black silhouette like the ones I had already seen, it was a colored one. A woman. I gasped as I saw her and ran. In this fog, I saw Jo again. She was facing away from me, but I recognized her long, chocolate brown hair, mint green sweater and dark jeans.

"Jo!", I shouted. My voice echoed around me, like a whirlwind. Jo turned around, now facing me. She had tears running from her eyes and dripping on the floor. I then noticed, behind me, the fog was turning black. 

The darkness spread fast, soon making it impossible to see anything except for myself. I couldn't see Jo anymore, but I kept running. My run was slowing down, like as if a movie was played in slow-motion. And then, I heard it again. A scream. Jo's shriek of pain, echoing around me, freezing my blood. The fog was turning dark red, the same color as blood...

"No!" I yelled out, reaching my arm out towards her. But nothing happened, my arm just disappeared into the red mist. I could feel the strong smell of the iron in the air. The air must've been full of blood. Full of blood... Jo's blood, as she was slaughtered to death. 

I kept running, but eventually, I slipped and fell. I looked down at my feet, and saw what looked like a meaty tube. I whimpered and kicked it away from me, grossed out. I then kept heading towards Jo, following the tube. A few seconds later, the mist cleared, and I was met with a horrifying, disgusting sight. 

Jo, but with far, far more injuries than the ones she had died of. She was gashed across the chest as well as her stomach, and the gash on her stomach was at least three times as wide. And there were organs everywhere; an eyeball was hanging from the socket, the nerves still connected to the inside of her skull, gently swaying back and forth, even though there was no wind. 

Her heart was hanging out from the wound on her chest... somehow still beating, pumping more blood everywhere. And intestines were coming out of the gash on her stomach. That's what I had tripped on... I had tripped on an intestine... oh, this was all so gross, too gross... I was too horrified... I couldn't breathe... I felt dizzy... and before I knew it, I had closed my eyes and fallen over, unconscious.

Hope gasped awake. Her eyesight was blurry, and there was a faint ringing in her ear. Her breathing was short and heartbeat was racing. Everything felt heavy. Even the air seemed to press down on her. 

"Hope! Dean, come here!", she heard a man shout. She then heard someone run towards her. Her eyes adjusted to the light, and Hope realized she was looking up at Sam and Dean.

"Wh-what happened...?", she asked, her voice shaky

"Dean found you. Looks like you actually did get there before him, huh?", answered Sam

"This is not the time for jokes, Sam. Hope, you're insane! Why the hell did you go inside!?", Dean snapped in with his reply.

"Well, I didn't want you to get yourself killed!"

"You are- you know what? Let's talk tomorrow. You can stay the night here"

She decided not to argue with him, and just nodded.

"That door there leads to a bathroom, if you need it", said Sam as he left the room, followed by Dean. 

They closed the door behind them, and Hope heard the lock click. This startled her. She didn't expect to be locked in here, but she decided it was fine either way. She still didn't know what happened in there. 

Well... I know I was attacked, but I don't know how, she thought. She looked down at myself. No wounds. She was confused, but also too tired to think properly. She got changed, got under the covers, and fell asleep quickly.

Over the next couple of weeks, Hope stayed with the Sam and Dean. Sam had insisted that she stayed so we could talk through things together. At least, that's what Dean said. That evening, Sam told her this was actually about Dean being paranoid that she'd go back to that house again. During the day, either Sam or Dean were always with her. 

During night, they locked the door. Hope hated how much she felt like a prisoner, but she wanted Dean to calm down, so she simply stayed quiet and went along with it. On her second morning, when Hope looked in the mirror, she noticed a bruise  on the side of her face, a lot like Sam's. Hm, she thought. So this is what happened. The bruise didn't hurt, and she didn't feel any signs of serious damage, so she decided to just let it be.

One day, Dean was out for a job interview, and Sam went up to Hope

"Hey, Hope?", he grabbed her attention

"Yeah?", she replied

"There's something I wanted to show you, if that's okay"

Prey to curiosity and boredom, Hope decided to go with him and got up from the couch

"Yeah, sure", she said. They headed out to the front door, quickly put on their coats, and then got out, onto the sidewalk.

"We won't need to drive, it's pretty close", said Sam and headed the opposite to the direction Hope knew Walker's house was. It was towards her house, which surprised her slightly.

But instead of heading straight down the road to her house, they took a turn that led to a side of town she hadn't been to much. Not because it was sketchy, even though it was, but because she had never had a good reason to.

"Sam? Where are we going?", asked Hope

"You'll see, we're almost there", he answered. She followed him as he sped up, and soon they were outside a graveyard. 

Sam headed in through the open gate and started making his way in a very specific direction. Hope followed him as he walked though rows of tombstones. To think that each and every one of the tombs was a person who once lived... they might have family or ancestors nowadays...

"It's right around this corner...", said Sam. 

Hope followed him, until he stopped in front of a specific stone. It was a simple, arc shaped granite stone with some moss on one corner. But it was once she read the name that Hope understood why Sam brought her here.

Noah Walker

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