Chapter Four

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Story: Baby Harry's Day In
Chapter Four: Minnie and Sevvy
Dedicated to: KaixBlxxsm

Minerva's PoV*
"Enter," Albus' voice said.

I entered his office to see him, sitting at his desk with an empty plate lying beside him. He was looking fondly at something...or should I say someone? "Albus?" I questioned.

"Ah, Good morning, Minerva. Meet young Mr Harry Potter. Harry, meet this castle's deputy owner..."

I raised my eyebrows at the new title. Maybe he wanted to explain to Harry without getting into depths of positions. That was when I looked at the young guest.

Harry Potter looked about four. He was short and I daresay, looked very fragile for his age. His black messy hair was flying about in all possible directions and he wore round, thin framed glasses. His eyes looked like emerald orbs sparkling with curiosity and mischief. He wore a cheeky smile on his face. He was dressed in a very miniature navy blue coat and wore matching shorts and shoes. One thing which was a mystery to me was why he was chewing a spoon?!

I rushed over to the boy and took the spoon from his mouth. He raised his eyebrows then grinned. Boy, he looks just like my other favourite stu-no. I did not mean that!

"Mi-" he started but I cut him off by talking rather loudly to the Headmaster. I bet he was about to call me by the Marauder's nickname 'Minnie' and it would surely be embarrassing in front of Albus.

"Albus! Why is he here?"

"I believe," he started, his eyes twinkling madly, "that you are right in front of me and I am not yet deaf." I frowned. "And to answer your question, Minerva, his parents are here to visit Professor Lupin and young Mr Potter poses as a distraction for their conversation. I am asked to take care of him until they finish their business."

"Oh! Have you forgotten that you have paperwork due tomorrow? In case you have, I am here to remind you and to get it done. I will not be helping you this time like I did last time."

"But Professor McGonagall, who will take care of young Otter?" Albus said and winked at the grinning boy.

"Excuse me?"

"Ima Barry Otter!" Harry piped up.

I raised my eyebrows and Albus merely shrugged.

"I shall make arrangements for someone to take care of the boy. You can continue with your business, Headmaster."

"I-but-" he started to protest as Fawkes the phoenix trilled in amusement.

"No! Come on, Mr Potte-"

"Otter! Baby Otter!"

Albus chuckled and the red bird trilled happily again. "Come along." Saying so, I dragged Harry Potter out of the office with me.


*Severus Snape's PoV*
The Dungeons

Tick tock tick tock...

What is that ticking noise...? I'm in my dungeons and as far as I know, there can't be any alarm clocks here...surely Potter is up to something...

Tick tock tick tock...


Tick tock tick tock...

Sounds catchy...

Tick tock tick tock...

Snape, Snape, Severus Snape (Tick tock tick tock).

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