Chapter Four

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 ANDERS STOOD THERE WITH MORGAN STILL IN HIS ARMS, SCANNING THE GROUP OF PEOPLE AROUND HIM, EACH OF THEM HAD A DIFFERENT EXPRESSION ON THEIR FACES. Maximoff had a guilty look on her face and there was pain in her eyes when she met the sharp green eyes of her son. Thorson was annoyed and had his arms crossed in front of his chest, he sent him a glare which Anders returned with much more ferocity making him look away. Odinson sent him a careful smile which was not returned, Anders was not the same trusting kid that he was. Barton did not meet his gaze, the same was with Romanoff and Rogers. Stark was glaring at him because Anders was holding his daughter in his arms and she wasn't in her Iron Girl suit, Then when emerald met emerald the sharp eyes both mellowed out, Loki was still shocked that he found out that he had a son. When he found out, a couple of days ago, and he had been absolutely dumbfounded, the only thought on his mind was; why didn't I find out about this sooner?

He had been in the dungeons serving out his punishment for a couple of years when two guards with handcuffs stood in front of him. He submitted, he would do anything at this point to not be in this place. He could thank his mother for giving him books to entertain himself, and her occasional visits lifted his spirits. Loki had been making an effort to change, to prove himself to his father. Mostly it was just so he could get out of the dungeon. He was guided through the halls of the palace he had lived in his whole life, where he had pranked maids, guards, and servants. The Allfather was sitting on his throne with his staff in his hand, there was a look of disappointment on his face when he gazed at Loki, that look was something that he had gotten used to.

"After all this time the Allfather finally decides to see me. Why?" he growls at the last word, the Allfather's expression does not change one bit, this was something he was forced into.

"Thor needs your help on Midgard, it is only out of the kindness of my heart that you are out of your cell. You should be thanking me." came his reply and Loki smiled at this, so he was right. He was forced into this.

"Brother, the Avengers are looking for someone. They haven't had any luck and we think your magic will help us." Thor explains, Loki rolls his life, he would help them and then the cell, not if he had anything to say on the matter.

"If I agree to help you and the mortal team, you have to guarantee that I will never be placed back in the dungeons." he bargains, Thor nods at this and Loki gives a Cheshire grin.

"Now who am I looking for?"

And that is how he found himself standing there in Norway with the Avengers face to face with his child, his heir, his son. He expected that there would be tearful greetings when the Avengers were reunited, no it was met with hostility. But what could they expect? He had run away awhile and it was because he was treated like the squashed bug under someone's boot. He remembered when he had a child with the witch. He had escaped for a night leaving an illusion behind. It took him a lot of his energy. Loki needed an heir and that was what he was going to do. He found the Scarlet Witch and he had used his silver tongue to convince her with the help of some alcohol. Then leaving the next day, leaving the witch with his heir. But he did not expect this to happen, for the boy to run.

Anders loosened his grip on Morgan after several seconds of glaring at the Avengers. She rested her head against his chest, like they used to when they were kids after Morgan would have a bad day at school and she was upset he would always comfort her. A couple of minutes of silence Morgan pulled away from and walked over to join her father who gripped her hand tightly making sure that she was ok.

"What are you guys doing here?" Anders asked coldly, there would be no warmth in this greeting. Old memories were arising and they were irritating him to no end, making his fiery temper kindled, so it was a flame that was growing into a raging fire.

"Really no warm welcome, Wolf Boy?" Stark asks and growl came in response, his wolf was getting harder to control. "No, I missed you! Or I'm sorry for being a pain in the ass?"

"If I were to say those things then they would be a lie and given that the god of lies is here then I don't think that would be a good idea, man of iron." he replied, a steeled bite is his voice. "Now I will repeat my question, what are you doing here, I assume it's not because you missed me."

"Please, no one would miss a screw up like you." Arne laughs and places his hand on Morgan's shoulder and she shrugs his hand away. And brown eyes met emerald and Morgan calmed slightly. Anders smiled at Arne; it was a malicious grin that they've seen on Loki more times than one. There was the sound of metal being unsheathed and a pained yell joined. Arne collapsed with a knife in his shoulder. Anders smirked at the sight.

"I've always wanted to do that. I thought you were the God of Storms, Arne? Or are you the God of Cowardness and Wimps?" he growls, Thor roars in anger and charges at him. Nephew or not he hurt his son, and there were consequences. The Avengers waited for Anders to get pummeled but that was the irony.

He sidesteppend and ducked when he swung his arms, and years of training ruthlessly and unrelenting was coming into play. He dodged several hits and landed some hits, but when Thor ripped the leather that covered the rune on his forearm the fight stopped. His finger traced the rune, and looked down at him with shock clear on his face. And Anders revealed to them what he had become and what he was proud to be, a wolf.

"You're a wolf." came Thor's breathless voice. Anders grinned crookedly at him and nodded.

" I apologize, but I am no longer your tool or a stolen relic that you can use when you need it. Regardless of who you are or what you were to me, you are intruding in pack territory and there are consequences. DANIEL, NOW!" he yelled and ducked, blow darts made their way into each of their necks, all of them falling down. It didn't matter what they were mortal, Asgardian, wolf, or mortal they would knock anybody about. The only person standing was Morgan as she looked at Anders shocked. Daniel walked toward him and nodded his head toward Morgan in respect, knowing if Anders spared them then they were important.

"Anders what did you do to them?" Morgan asks, Anders looks at her and exhales sharply through his nose.

"Sleeping darts, they'll wake up in a couple of hours, now come on we've got a long way to go." Anders answers. He summons a large sled with two harnesses. That was how they transported knocked out intruders back to pack compound.

 When all of the Avengers were placed on the sled Anders and Daniel shifted into wolves and slid into the harnesses. The red wolf looked back at Morgan, making sure that she was ok before they took off at a steady pace.

As they ran Anders kept looking back at Morgan to make sure that they were ok, occasionally the two wolves slowed to a trot and then picked it up again. Morgan fell asleep after that first mile and Anders gave Daniel a wolfish grin as they sprinted. They made sure to make it as smooth as possible so Morgan would fall asleep and then they sprinted at full speed. Anders had a large smile on his face as he felt the wind through his fur as he ran. When they made it back to the compound they shifted back into humans and tugged the sled the rest of their way.

"Hey, did they find the rune on your forearm?" Daniel asked him, gesturing to the tear in his armour. Anders looked down at his arm and nodded with a shrug. He didn't seem bothered with it much.

"They were going to find out regardless but that gave me some time to come up with a back up plan because they were planning on taking me back to the Avengers Compound." he answered as they walked. Daniel's brows shot up as he looked at him. They were never going to get him to go back to the Compound; he had too many bad memories to go back willingly. Anders looked back at Daniel and answered the question that was plastered on his face. "They needed my help and I refused, that's why."

"Why the hell did they expect you to go back willingly, you ran away for a reason." Daniel asked and Anders shrugged again.

"I don't know, but I'll be damned if they expect me to drop everything here and go help. For Earth's Mightiest Heroes they are quite stupid, arrogant, bastards." Anders replied and they both laughed. "It's up to the Alpha to decide their fate now."

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