I'd Rather be Friends than Enemies

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“I can’t believe my little Giblet is going to college already,” My Dad muttered as he helped my load all my things into the trunk of my car. It was a sad, but happy day. Me, Adelle Harkens, was going to college.

“Don’t worry Dad, I’ll still bring you doughnuts,” I assured him and he enveloped me a bear hug. I looked over his shoulder to see my Mom standing by the door, tears rolling down her face as she repeatedly dabbed at them with a Kleenex.

“Mom, don’t cry, it’s not like you’ll never see me again,” I said after my Dad had let me go and I could walk up to her. My words only made the crying worse and she grabbed me hugging me so tight I was deprived of oxygen.

“I love you so much honey and I’m so proud of you! I can’t believe you’re 18! Where has the time gone?” She sobbed into my shoulder and I rubbed her back comfortingly. A squeaky bark erupted from beside me and I looked down to see Cutiepie dying for my attention. I maneuvered my way out of my Mom’s embrace and picked up the little dog. She instantly went to lick my face and I had to pull her away.

“Calm down girl,” I scratched behind her ears and she laid in my arms like a little baby. “I’m going to see you like every weekend,” I whispered to her. I set her down and she went to go yip at the neighbors. I’m sure they appreciate her presence.

“All ready to go?” My Dad came and stood by my Mom, patting her comfortingly on the back as years still rolled down her cheeks.

“Yeah, I think so,” I hugged my parents one last time and turned to walk towards my car, but stopped dead in my tracks. No way.

“Oh, glad we caught you Adelle!” Mrs. Sailing came hobbling toward me in her stilettos, her husband following behind, creepy smile and all. As Mrs. Sailing neared me I noticed the plate of cookies she held in her hands.

“Hi Mr. and Mrs. Sailing,” I said a little surprised and Mrs. Sailing gave me a thousand watt smile. As usual she was wearing a tight dress, he cleavage about to spill over and he make up made her look ten years younger.

“Hi! We brought you some cookies, Allyson made them. We just wanted to wish you good luck at college,” Mrs. Sailing hugged me, followed by a nice creepy hug from Mr. Sailing, who eyed me up and down. He still gives me the creepy crawlies. Just remembering how he devoured that chocolate cake…

“Well thank you!” I smiled politely and took the cookies. If Allyson made them, then they were going to be so delicious.

“You’re welcome. See Jesse left for college yesterday,” Mrs. Sailing stopped and cleared her throat. “Allyson didn’t get to give them to him in time, so I thought we could give them to you.”

“That was a nice thought,” My Mom jumped into the conversation and I left her to converse with the Sailings. I didn’t know Jesse was going to college? Hopefully the same place Elisa went, somewhere far away from me.

“Bye Giblet! We love you!!” My Dad shouted as I got in my car. I cringed at him yelling that nickname so loud and waved as I drove away. Next stop Dora’s.

Dora was standing outside as her parents helped her carry things out of the house and into the front yard. I pulled in the driveway and waved when I saw her.

“Hey girl! You ready for college?” I greeted her. Dora smiled excitedly and started squealing.

“Oh my gosh! Ell we’re going to college! Alone! No parents!” She set down the box she was holding and grabbed my hands as we started jumping up and down in a circle.

“Dora stop squealing! You’re 18, not twelve,” Dora’s Dad came out with more boxes and set them down next to us.

“Sorry Dad.”

We started loading up my car and soon it was packed full. Every free space had been filled with boxes and boxes and boxes. Dora’s Mom had come out in her pajama’s crying and hugging Dora. She barely let her go to get into the car.

“Be safe honey! You have pepper spray in your purse and remember BOYS HAVE COOTIES!” Her Mom hugged her as tight as my Mom had me and kissed her all over her face. “I love you Dora Boo!”

Then her Dad hugged her and told her to be safe. We got into my car and started squealing all over again about how excited we were! The ringing of my phone broke our squeal fest and I picked it up.

“Hey Ell,” I heard Bryce say and I broke out smiling.

“Hey!” I answered back. Bryce made me happy, no matter what mood I was in. Going to college was going to test the strength of our relationship big time. The college Dora and I were attending was almost four hours away from home. So that meant I couldn’t see Bryce every day. I was nervous about the whole situation, but I felt confident that it would work.

“Sorry I couldn’t be there today, I feel so bad, but Annabelle is really sick,” Bryce sounded a little guilty, but I understood. His Mom was a single parent and depended a lot on Bryce.

“It’s fine, I know you would have been there if you could,” I smiled into the phone as I heard Annabelle in the background.

“Thanks for understanding Ell, I’ll see you soon though, love you,” He said so sweetly and I practically melted while driving.

“No problem, love you too,” With that I hung up and focused on driving.

“Dang you two are sappy,” I heard Dora complain. I laughed at her and turned to see her sulking in the passenger’s seat, a box sitting in her lap.

“Hey, how are you and Jarren?” I asked. Last I knew her and Jarren weren’t really getting along, which is unfortunate.

“We broke up last night,” She whispered and I saw her face fall slightly.

“It’s okay, now you can check out all the hot college boys and not feel guilty. I’m sure one of them will be ten times better than Jarren. And buy you tons of flowers,” I smiled at her and she returned it.

“Right, college boys,” She said dreamily and I laughed at her. Of course Dora would be obsessing over college boys. Although I most likely would be fawning with her if I didn’t have a guy of my own.

“I’m just happy to be away from Elisa and Ashlee. They sure tried hard to make my senior year hell,” I sighed. Elisa and Ashlee tormented me as best they could the whole entire year. Jesse didn’t help things either. He tried to talk to me all the time and it only made Ashlee and Elisa hate me more. The whole year I tried to avoid them the best to my ability. They went after Dora several times, but I always stood up for her. Never again would I let my best friend down. My junior year had certainly changed me, and I used those changes to make my senior year the best I could.

“Definitely. Hopefully Ashlee is going to the other side of the world for college,” Dora stated and I nodded in agreement.

“And hopefully Elisa is right behind her on her broomstick!” I said and we both started cracking up. Elisa isn’t an actual witch, but she sure acts like one. “College is going to be so much better. They’ll all be miles away.” It was almost a relief to be away from the people I was in school with. There will always be bitches and douche bags, but at least I know how to deal with them and to not befriend them.

College was not going to be a repeat of high school. I had my best friend and my boyfriend that was all I needed. No more fake friends, cheating boyfriends, and DEFINITELY no more make overs. We all know what that can lead to…


So this is a sequel to I'd Rather be a Nerd than a Drama Queen! Just a little sneak peak as to what it's going to be about. Hopefully you guys like the idea! Thanks for reading (:

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