Chapter 4

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From f4no: < Hey guys sorry i wasnt posting Alberto x Luca stuff came up sorry for the long wait... >

Alberto Pov: I woke up to see luca right next to me I smiled at him and yawn and got up and went climb to Gulias room and slowly walked across her room and went to the kitchen which in surprise Gulias dad was there

" hey there alberto. "

I stop in my tracks " heyyy..." i said being cool

He chuckled a bit and i smiled and sat down looking at the glasses on the table

" So Alberto, wanna learn how to cook? "

I shot right up, " Do I!? Of course! " i said in excitement

" Great " He splated the knife on to a wooden thing

I got up and marched with my head up high with a cool expansion on. ( very cool )

He laughed which made me feel embarrassed but i shruged it off

" So?... " i said with confused

" Mmh So.. " He said

I few hours has past and he taught me basic steps, We laughed everytime we did something wrong and taught me some very difficult stuff of course he taught me cause im the best hah! But Like in 30 minutes I saw Gulia and Luca coming out laughing I turned around witha pot in my hand string dough I was angry for a few seconds but calmed myself down.

" That was Great! So many stars! " Gulia said jumping up and down

" I know the galaxy is so cool! " Luca said with laughter

I mumble " Not as cool as me" i scoft

" So papa and Alberto whats for breakfast! "

" brest with bacon and cheese inside witha egg, with a little help with Alberto " He said

I smiled and stared at luca which was looking at me i turned around fast with little blush, after a while dad i mean gulias dad! Past out plates and sat down and looked and my creation i was so proud, then i saw luca eating it and his eyes lit up.

" Alberto! this is really good " Luca said with a mouth full

I blushed at his comment, " you really thank so? " I said nervously

" Dang Alberto what you put in this its good!! " Gulia said

" Come on guys Massimo mostly did it " I laughed

He nodded at me and i smiled and i ate the food, Dang the food is good, After that me and luca went outside and hold hands we were so awkward...

" So Alberto wanna go get ice cream " luca said starting a conversation

I laughed " with what money? " i said

" yeah true " luca said

I sighed and walked right in front of the water and sat on the edge Luca followed I held his hand he blushed and chuckled, a few minutes past and luca rested on my shoulder I smiled and kissed him on the forehead and rested...

( Ahhhh Happy thanksgiving!! Everyone! Sorry for the long wait again lol until next time byee!! )

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