You, always you

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Warning, risk of spoilers on the Disney+ series LOKI, even though I'm not really basing the story.

I know that Loki is genderfluid, officially, but for the sake of ease of understanding, and completely assumed laziness, I attribute the pronoun 'he' to him. Please don't hold it against me.


Loki looked around him. Suspicious. Something was different. He could feel it, but couldn't put his finger on it. Yet he couldn't spot any threat of any kind, no one ready to come out of the shadows to attack him. He sighed, ran his long, slender fingers through his black hair, and kept moving.

He walked through the corridors of the palace that he knew by heart. He had grown up within these walls, even if he had difficulty considering them his home. Its inhabitants were not really his family either. How could it be possible?

As these thoughts ran through his mind, he felt a twinge in his chest. It was as if the very idea of thinking of Frigga as anything other than his mother hurt him. He frowned. He had had these thoughts a million times before, and never had such a reaction. He chose to ignore it, not really in the mood for that kind of thing right now. He had to...

He stopped.

He felt like he was on a mission. That he had something important to do. Yet the idea seemed to slip completely from his mind. This was not normal. He frowned even more, confused.

A pat on the back stopped him, literally, from his thoughts, to bring him back to earth.

- My brother! What a face you have! Don't you want to celebrate a little?

Loki looked at him, raised his eyes to the sky. Then, everything came back to him.

Today, he became King.

He smiles with all his teeth.

- Yes, we should celebrate.

- Honestly, I'd much rather be the leader of the army. I would never be able to sit on a throne all day as a king.

Thor shook his long blonde hair in disgust. When a ray of sunlight caught on a strand, Loki frowned.

- What's wrong with my brother?

- I could see you with short hair.

The God of Thunder looked properly horrified, ran his hand through his hair, then rushed to the first reflective surface he saw.

- Don't tell me I'm losing my hair! That's not possible! How dare you think that? You, my brother! I feel betrayed!

Loki grimaced. He didn't like the idea of betraying his brother. And even less the wave of guilt that came with it. Thor understood his mistake, and gave him a reassuring smile.

- We both have what we want now brother. We can finally make peace.

Yes, today, all was perfect. The brunette let himself be led by the blond in the detales of corridors, until his apartments.

- You have to prepare yourself my brother, otherwise you will be late for the ceremony.

Loki nodded, said brother left the room, and soon servants arrived. The God of Mischief let himself be pampered all morning, even allowing someone to take care of his hair.

The baths, massages, and oils followed, leaving him in a state of semi-trans, as if he were transported out of his body.

- Loki !!

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