13. Dissappointing

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Authors note: I really can't stop myself today so like enjoy another damn update lol I watched the one direction movie last night and all of my recordings from the Harry Styles concert I went to a few weeks ago and honestly I've got no self control anymore.

Harry's POV

"I'd start explaining now," Louis snapped. His eyes were full of negative emotions; anger, betrayal, disgust...I was having a hard time focusing but his distaste was obvious. "And while you're at it, please explain why I've got Melvin telling me you have Cory Bleu in company?"

"I..." I trailed off unable to think of words to describe what I was experiencing. "You're going to be upset," I decided on.

Louis rolled his eyes like he couldn't believe I was actually putting him in this position again. I felt a dizzying sensation I couldn't quite put into words. My brain was moving too fast to get the right sentences in order.

"I'm going to be sick," I muttered.

Cory chose this moment to ignore my request for her silence. She pushed through the swinging wooden doors and crossed the living room quickly. Louis didn't even look remotely surprised to see her. He stared at her with clear disgust and then glanced at me with more disappointment than I'd ever seen.

"It's my fault," she said plainly. "He just grabbed the wrong cup."

"Oh I'm very fucking aware it's your fault," Louis snapped at her. He was doing nothing to hide his hate for her. He never really tried to hide it in the past either. "It makes sense that as soon as you breath in his vicinity he starts cracking out. Seems right up your alley."

Cory scowled. "Yeah I'm a real shit bag," she agreed coldly. She narrowed her eyes at him. When they used to go at it like this, when we'd been in the band, it had always been quite amusing. It hadn't been so direct back then and it wasn't amusing now.

"It was an accident," I insisted. My brain was so fuzzy. "Louis what happened with Naomi?"

Louis glared at me. "It's not a good time, Harry."

"Don't do that," I said nervously. "Don't start writing me off like that."

Louis made a face like he almost felt bad for me. I felt relieved before remembering the intense hammering in my chest. I cringed. I couldn't begin to expect him to take me serious like this. I had fucked up. That much was obvious.

"Oh quit your high and mighty shit," Cory snapped back at him. "He was trying to be a good little sober soldier and I drugged the poor baby. He had no idea what was happening."

Louis stared at her quizzically. As far as I could tell she was still sober. She'd been clear eyed since I'd seen her in the hall way. It was the first thing I'd looked for. Obviously she wasn't committed to sobriety. I'd learned that the hard way, the second she'd admitted to what she had done to me. She was obviously coming to my defense now, which I was both thankful and horrified by.

"Louis I messed up. I thought she was sober. She was going to the group—" I tried to explain calmly. I was getting very light headed though and what I really wanted to do was scream. I thought that would probably make things worse.

"My manager was making me go," Cory explained.

Fuck. I had really misjudged everything.

Louis eyes drifted to me and his expression told me that he wasn't even shocked at how stupid I'd been. I was kind of shocked. His lack of confidence hurt a little bit.

"Harry, you need to sit down," Cory said turning to face me. She put a hand on my arm but I jerked it away. "You're shaking."

"I told you not to fucking touch me!" I snapped. I didn't feel like sitting down. I felt jittery and energized in the worst way. My face felt hot. I made eye contact with Louis and he looked away refusing to give away any of his thoughts.

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