Part Two

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THAT NIGHT, HELMUND, Winnie, and Cat sat in the darkness of the mill. After catching a particularly wily rat, the cat settled down to sleep. Winnie tried her best to make conversation, but it was clear something was bothering her and Helmund was sure it went beyond getting stuck with this shit job.

'Is everythin' okay?' Helmund asked.

For a long moment, it seemed like Winnie wouldn't answer him, but then her soft voice made him jump. 'I've been thinking... but I'm not sure if I should worry you.'

'I'm brave,' Helmund said. 'Nothin' worries me.' It was almost the truth and it made Winnie smile a little, so he thought that lie was okay.

'What bullshit reason did Mr Merryweather give you for being here tonight?' she asked.

'He said folks had been nickin' the snuff,' Helmund replied, rather shocked to hear the old lady swear.

'I bet he told you there'd never been a night shift before, didn't he?' she asked, her face taking on a harder expression than the one she usually wore. Helmund didn't think it suited her at all.

'He said this was the first,' Helmund replied.

'Bastard,' she said. 'I guess it means it's time.'

'For what?' 

'For a feeding. Whenever it's time for a feeding, this wonderful night shift opportunity presents itself. Usually, anyone who knows about it but isn't involved gets a bonus for keeping their mouth shut... but there'll be no bonus for me this time.'

'So he's gonna feed us to somethin'? That don't make any sense. You must have the wrong end of the stick. He wants me here night after night. Why would he bother to say that if I was gonna be eaten tonight?'

'In case they're not hungry tonight. In case they don't show.' Winnie replied. 'It doesn't happen often, but it does on occasion... and the first time it happened was bloody awkward. The chap was all pleased with himself cos nothing had been stolen and then Mr Merryweather made him work nights for the rest of the week. It was only a few days until they finally came.'

'Until who came?' Helmund asked. 

'Why, the fairies of course,' the old woman replied. At this, Helmund burst into hysterics. He couldn't help himself. First, he was supposed to believe that he was here to be eaten... then he was meant to buy that fairies were going to be doing the eating. It was hilarious! It did beg the question of who was playing this elaborate joke on him and why, but for now he figured he'd play along.

'Sorry about that,' he said. 'It's just the idea of fairies took me by surprise. But don't worry, I'll stay vigilant and make sure none of the little buggers try to eat us.'

Winnie shot him a look that suggested she didn't believe him, and he shot her one back that said he didn't care. 

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