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Dezi's POV
I just got off the phone with Ethan, it feels weird not being pregnant, not having the babies kicking my stomach, it doesn't feel right. I sigh and sit down in Ethans gaming chair its so comfortable, to have a little fun I spin Ethans chair with my feet against the wall. Wow this thing was fast, I close my eyes and enjoy this moment, that is until I feel a huge pain in my back. I fall off the chair and wince in pain, wait even though I'm in Ethans body I can still feel my pain...huh weird. Then I hear the door open, its Elijah. "Hey Ethan, why you on da floor?" "Oh I was just spinning in my chair, just to ya know loosen up a little have some fun" "Ok, but can I borrow your camera to record a video mine died" "Oh uh sure of course" Elijah grabbed the camera and headed out. Something seemed off about him, yea I don't know him like Ethan does, but I've been watching his and Ethans videos for years now, and I could just tell that something was bothering him but I don't know what.

Ethan's POV
I cannot describe the pain my, or Dezi's back is in right now, Amanda was in a panic "Are you ok?!" "My back ggghhh" then Jack runs into the kitchen "I know what to do" he runs back into the living room with some Tylenol and a bottle of water. I take the Tylenol and try to relax, I sit up to try and straighten my back to try and make it hurt less. After a while Hunter and Amanda leave, and Jack was playing on the Play Station, I'm looking through Dezi's phone and sees that she follows me and Elijah both on Twitter and Instagram, and shes subscribed with noti's on, sweet. I look through her photos and see pictures of her and her girlfriend, they look so cute together.

Seeing them reminds me of Amie, god I miss her so much, probably as much as Dezi misses her gf. I enter my number in her phone so I can text her

E: Hey
D: Hey
E: *sends a picture* is this her?
D: Sure is 😊
Et: You guys are so cute, you look so happy together 😊
D: Yea... I miss her I bet u miss Amie too
E: Yea...
D: Oh uh btw I might have taken your chair for a spin shes fast
E: Ik she serves me well
D: Oh yea Elijah asked if he could borrow your camera to record a video, his was dead, so I let him borrow it but I think he suspects something is up
E: Typical Elijah, always poking his nose into every situation
D: Anyways how'd it go with Hunter and Amanda?
E: It went fine and before they left I took Tylenol because I had a huge pain in my back
D: Thats weird because I felt the back pain too
E: So whatever pain I feel you can feel to?
D: Yea ig
E: And I see that you follow me and Elijah and subscribed to our channels
D: Yep :)
D: Gotta go the guys are getting rowdy
E: Ok ttyl
D: ttyl
Dezi's POV
I walk out into the living room to see Dylan and Cody wrestling on the couch. "Dylan! Cody! What the heck is going on?" Dylan yells "Cody stole my phone!" "Did not!!!" I roll my eyes in disbelief "Here let me call ur phone Dylan" I pry them apart and when I finally do I call Dylan's phone. I find his number in Ethans contacts and dial his number. We wait a couple of seconds until we hear music, Dylan jumps "Thats my ringtone" I laugh and Cody looks at Dylan "Your ringtone is Gangsta's Paradise?" Dylan shrugs "Why not?"

Dylan searches the couch cushions and finally found his phone I was off in the kitchen when Dylan has answered my call "Hey Ethan I found it" I hang up and chuckle, just then I feel hands on my shoulders and they pull me back.

"What the...?" I turn around to see Elijah "Who are you?"

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